Educational Research and Reviews

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Main factors of teachers professional well-being2014/03/231
A study on students satısfactıon based on qualıty standards of accedıtatıon ın hıgher educatıon2015/02/101
The impact of Facebook in teaching practicum: Teacher trainees perspectives2015/09/151
Effects of using invention learning approach on inventive abilities: A mixed method study2015/03/101
Teachers development model to authentic assessment by empowerment evaluation approach2015/09/151
Primary school teachers vıews about supervisional deviant behaviours2015/06/101
Examination of the PISA 2009 reading skills and information and communication technology (ICT) use skills of Turkish students2015/07/101
Turkish EFL pre-service teachers pronunciation problems2015/08/231
Educational managers opinions regarding the in-service training in Turkey: A case study of the Agri Province2015/06/231
Math teachers attitudes towards photo math application in solving mathematical problem using mobile camera2015/07/231
Factors affecting the Mathematics achievement of Turkish students in PISA 20122015/06/231
An investigation of teacher candidates metacognitive skills according to their year of study at Canakkale2015/01/311
Effects of conceptual change text based instruction on ecology, attitudes toward biology and environment2015/02/101
Three-step approach for developing integrated work-ready assessment tools to foster students learning and satisfaction2015/05/101
Predominant teaching strategies in schools: Implications for curriculum implementation in mathematics, science and technology2015/08/101
DIF analysis across genders for reading comprehension part of English language achievement exam as a foreign language2015/06/101
Schema-based text comprehension2015/09/231
Metasynthesis of in-service professional development research: Features associated with positive educator and student outcomes2015/06/231
The problem-solving skills of the teachers ın various branches2015/03/101
Adaptation of economy attitude scale to Turkish culture: Validity and reliability study2015/01/311
Effects of high school students perceptions of school life quality on their academic motivation levels2015/02/101
Improving graduate students learning through the use of Moodle2015/03/101
The usage of domination strategies in conflicts between the teachers and students: A case study2016/02/231
Exploring the opinions about the concepts of formula and rule in mathematics2017/10/101
A comparison of pre-service, in-service and formation program for teachers perceptions of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) in English language teaching (ELT)2017/11/231
Emotional intelligence and self-esteem as predictors of teacher self-efficacy2017/11/231
An examination of the relationship between primary school students environmental awareness and basic science process skills2019/02/231
Teacher education in China, Japan and Turkey2019/01/231
Evaluation of fourth-grade primary school students attitudes and self-efficacy towards physical education course using socio-cultural approach2016/11/231
The relationship between self-sabotage and organizational climate of schools2019/09/301