Educational Research and Reviews

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Effect of teacher education program on science process skills of pre-service science teachers2014/01/102
Adaptation of the PERMA well-being scale into Turkish: Validity and reliability studies2018/02/232
The investigation of the effects of physical education lessons planned in accordance with cooperative learning approach on secondary school students problem solving skills2016/05/232
Effects of using dynamic mathematics software on pre-service mathematics teachers spatial visualization skills: The case of spatial analytic geometry2016/04/101
The philosophical dispositions of pre-servıce teachers and teacher educators*2016/01/101
Evaluation of sport mental toughness and psychological wellbeing in undergraduate student athletes2017/04/231
Challenges facing Chinese International students studying in the United States2017/04/231
The strategies of using a special kind of number patterns in different stages of education2017/06/231
A Study on comparing the relationship among organizational commitment, teachers job satisfaction and job involvement of schools with urban-rural discrepancy2017/08/231
Determining the readiness levels of pre-service teachers towards mobile learning in classroom management2018/05/231
Definition of professionalism by different groups of health care students2017/04/101
Achievement goals of medical students and physicians2018/01/231
The effect of cooperative learning on the academic achievement and attitude of students in Mathematics class2018/11/101
An investigation of English Language teachers and students views on ethical principles towards students2015/04/101
Determination of secondary school students cognitive structure, and misconception in ecological concepts through word association test2015/03/101
Water awareness scale for pre-service science teachers: Validity and reliability study2015/04/101
Analysis of academic self-efficacy, self-esteem and coping with stress skills predictive power on academic procrastination2014/03/101
Personal factors as predictors of students academic achievement in colleges of education in South Western Nigeria2014/02/231
Effects of lesson study on science teacher candidates teaching efficacies2014/03/231
Developing a scale on the usage of learner control strategy2012/03/121
Constructing and measuring of the critical success factors of college students international mobility: Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method2020/07/311
The role of the principal is developing an instructional leadership team in school2020/11/301
Mathematics anxiety, attitude and performance among secondary school students in Kenya2021/06/301
Impact of instruction with concept cartoons on students academic achievement in science lessons2020/03/311
Internet addiction and loneliness as predictors of internet gaming disorder in adolescents2019/07/311
Freshmens anxiety in an intensive listening class: A qualitative study2019/06/231
The impacts of personal qualities on online learning readiness at Curtin Sarawak Malaysia (CSM)2012/07/251
State of the art in off-line writer identification of handwritten text and survey of writer identification of Arabic text2012/07/251
Sustainable interior design learning during the Covid-19 era: From theory into practice2023/03/311
Mathematics teacher candidates skills of using multiple representations for division of fractions2014/04/231