Iwasawa Theory of Jacobians of Graphs | 2022/11/09 | English | 1 |
(GL k ×Sym n )-modules and Nabla of hook-indexed Schur functions | 2022/11/09 | English | 1 |
A lifting of the Goulden–Jackson cluster method to the Malvenuto–Reutenauer algebra | 2022/12/19 | English | 1 |
On the k-measure of partitions and distinct partitions | 2022/12/19 | English | 1 |
Pushing our way from the valley Delta to the generalised valley Delta | 2022/09/08 | English | 1 |
Random walk on the symplectic forms over a finite field | 2020/10/12 | English | 1 |
Vexillary signed permutations revisited | 2020/10/12 | English | 1 |
Differential posets and restriction in critical groups | 2019/01/01 | English | 1 |
A poset structure on the alternating group generated by 3-cycles | 2019/01/01 | English | 1 |
Rank two non-commutative Laurent phenomenon and pseudo-positivity | 2019/01/01 | English | 1 |
Principal specializations of Schubert polynomials in classical types | 2021/04/12 | English | 1 |
A Demazure Character Formula for the Product Monomial Crystal | 2021/04/12 | English | 1 |
Counting Coxeter’s friezes over a finite field via moduli spaces | 2021/04/12 | English | 1 |
Branching from the General Linear Group to the Symmetric Group and the Principal Embedding | 2021/04/12 | English | 1 |
Box splines, tensor product multiplicities and the volume function | 2021/06/22 | English | 1 |
Frozen pipes: lattice models for Grothendieck polynomials | 2023/06/19 | English | 1 |
Quasisymmetric functions distinguishing trees | 2023/06/19 | English | 1 |
A q-analog of the adjacency matrix of the n-cube | 2023/06/19 | English | 1 |
Complexity of the usual torus action on Kazhdan–Lusztig varieties | 2023/06/19 | English | 1 |
The category of finite strings | 2023/06/19 | English | 1 |
Garside combinatorics for Thompson’s monoid $F^+$ and a hybrid with the braid monoid $B_{\infty }^{+}$ | 2019/01/01 | English | 1 |
Canonical decomposition of a difference of convex sets | 2019/01/01 | English | 1 |
Homomorphisms of strongly regular graphs | 2019/01/01 | English | 1 |
Liminal reciprocity and factorization statistics | 2019/01/01 | English | 1 |
From Hertzsprung’s problem to pattern-rewriting systems | 2022/12/19 | English | 1 |
Enumeration of non-oriented maps via integrability | 2022/12/19 | English | 1 |
Generating series of non-oriented constellations and marginal sums in the Matching-Jack conjecture | 2022/12/19 | English | 1 |
Diagonal degenerations of matrix Schubert varieties | 2023/08/29 | English | 1 |
Maximality of subfields as cliques in Cayley graphs over finite fields | 2023/08/29 | English | 1 |
Geometric vertex decomposition and liaison for toric ideals of graphs | 2023/08/29 | English | 1 |