Algebraic Combinatorics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Minimal inclusions of torsion classes2019/01/01English14
The cohomology of abelian Hessenberg varieties and the Stanley–Stembridge conjecture2019/01/01English10
Regularity of powers of edge ideals: from local properties to global bounds2020/08/20English8
Toric degenerations of Grassmannians from matching fields2019/01/01English8
Frobenius Heisenberg categorification2019/01/01English8
Connectivity of generating graphs of nilpotent groups2020/10/12English6
Set-partition tableaux and representations of diagram algebras2020/01/01English6
Combinatorial relations on skew Schur and skew stable Grothendieck polynomials2021/02/16English5
The weak order on integer posets2019/01/01English5
The decomposition of 0-Hecke modules associated to quasisymmetric Schur functions2019/01/01English5
On graded presentations of Hecke algebras and their generalizations2020/01/01English4
From generalized permutahedra to Grothendieck polynomials via flow polytopes2020/10/12English4
Grothendieck polynomials and the boson-fermion correspondence2020/10/12English4
A Pieri formula and a factorization formula for sums of $K$-theoretic $k$-Schur functions2019/01/01English4
On representation theory of partition algebras for complex reflection groups2020/01/01English4
On the Todd class of the permutohedral variety2021/06/22English4
Intersection density of transitive groups of certain degrees2022/05/05English4
Crystal structures for canonical Grothendieck functions2020/01/01English3
Positroid cluster structures from relabeled plabic graphs2022/07/07English3
Jacobi–Trudi formulas for flagged refined dual stable Grothendieck polynomials2022/02/28English3
A family of matrix-tree multijections2021/11/03English3
Vertex models for Canonical Grothendieck polynomials and their duals2023/02/24English3
Quadratic and symmetric bilinear forms over finite fields and their association schemes2020/01/01English3
A bijective proof of Macdonald’s reduced word formula2019/01/01English3
Paths to Understanding Birational Rowmotion on Products of Two Chains2019/01/01English3
Skew hook formula for $d$-complete posets via equivariant $K$-theory2019/01/01English3
Combinatorial, piecewise-linear, and birational homomesy for products of two chains2021/04/12English3
Maximally nonassociative quasigroups via quadratic orthomorphisms2021/06/22English3
The structure of normal lattice supercharacter theories2020/10/12English3
Hypergraph polynomials and the Bernardi process2020/10/12English3