Agriculture and Human Values

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Cows desiring to be milked? Milking robots and the co-evolution of ethics and technology on Dutch dairy farms2014/06/20English79
Marking the success or end of global multi-stakeholder governance? The rise of national sustainability standards in Indonesia and Brazil for palm oil and soy2014/06/11English79
Social sustainability, farm labor, and organic agriculture: Findings from an exploratory analysis2006/11/21English78
Sustaining production and strengthening the agritourism product: Linkages among Michigan agritourism destinations2005/06/01English78
Restaurants, chefs and local foods: insights drawn from application of a diffusion of innovation framework2008/09/11English76
Embeddedness in action: Saffron and the making of the local in southern Tuscany2006/12/13English76
Resolving differing stakeholder perceptions of urban rooftop farming in Mediterranean cities: promoting food production as a driver for innovative forms of urban agriculture2015/03/01English75
From value to values: sustainable consumption at farmers markets2008/04/03English75
The motives, benefits, and problems of conversion to organic production2009/07/23English74
Sustainable palm oil as a public responsibility? On the governance capacity of Indonesian Standard for Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO)2017/07/31English74
Transformative agroecology learning in Europe: building consciousness, skills and collective capacity for food sovereignty2018/11/12English74
Farming alone? What’s up with the “C” in community supported agriculture2012/07/06English73
Naturally confused: consumers’ perceptions of all-natural and organic pork products2009/08/15English73
The resilience of long and short food chains: a case study of flooding in Queensland, Australia2015/04/07English73
Resistance, redistribution, and power in the Fair Trade banana initiative2005/03/01English73
Effects of social network factors on information acquisition and adoption of improved groundnut varieties: the case of Uganda and Kenya2014/01/30English72
Can organic farmers be ‘good farmers’? Adding the ‘taste of necessity’ to the conventionalization debate2013/01/24English72
Agroecology and the emergence of a post COVID-19 agriculture2020/05/12English71
Results of a US and Canada community garden survey: shared challenges in garden management amid diverse geographical and organizational contexts2014/10/17English70
A forest of evidence: third-party certification and multiple forms of proof—a case study of oil palm plantations in Indonesia2012/02/19English70
Characterizing alternative food networks in China2014/09/25English69
Making “minority voices” heard in transnational roundtables: the role of local NGOs in reintroducing justice and attachments2014/05/16English69
From the imperial to the empty calorie: how nutrition relations underpin food regime transitions2009/07/25English69
Growing food justice by planting an anti-oppression foundation: opportunities and obstacles for a budding social movement2012/04/15English69
Participatory organic certification in Mexico: an alternative approach to maintaining the integrity of the organic label2009/03/28English68
Learning in context through conflict and alignment: Farmers and scientists in search of sustainable agriculture2005/06/01English68
Exploring the social bases of home gardening2011/06/25English68
Identifying attributes of food system sustainability: emerging themes and consensus2016/11/15English68
Safe at any scale? Food scares, food regulation, and scaled alternatives2008/01/16English67
Beliefs, knowledge, and values held by inner-city youth about gardening, nutrition, and cooking2007/03/09English67