
Title Publication Date Language Citations
State of the world 2020: autocratization turns viral2021/05/24English36
State of the world 2017: autocratization and exclusion?2018/06/18English36
Explaining lustration in Central Europe: a ‘post-communist politics’ approach2005/02/01English35
The predicament of elections in war-torn societies2009/05/27English35
Opposition Parties and the Voters in South Africa's General Election of 19992001/09/01English35
“Everybody knows everybody”: practising politics in the Pacific Islands2013/08/01English35
How authoritarian rulers seek to legitimize repression: framing mass killings in Egypt and Uzbekistan2018/02/22English35
Antidemocratic populism in power: comparing Erdoğan’s Turkey with Modi’s India and Netanyahu’s Israel2020/07/16English35
Moderation of religious and secular politics, a country's “centre” and democratization2012/11/02English34
Negative partisanship towards the populist radical right and democratic resilience in Western Europe2021/03/29English34
What halts democratic erosion? The changing role of accountability2021/04/15English34
In-between liberal authoritarianism and electoral authoritarianism: Hong Kong’s democratization under Chinese sovereignty, 1997–20162016/09/29English34
Ethnicity and party preference in sub-Saharan Africa2011/03/28English33
Does God matter, and if so whose God? religion and democratization2004/08/01English33
The menu of autocratic innovation2020/03/27English33
‘Big Men’ Rule: Presidential Power, Regime Type and Democracy in 30 African Countries2008/12/01English33
Is Democracy Promotion Effective? Comparing Conditionality and Incentives2003/03/01English32
Attitudes towards gender equality and perception of democracy in the Arab world2015/06/26English32
Consolidating democracy in Ghana: progress and prospects?2010/01/15English32
The right-wing populism of India’s Bharatiya Janata Party (and why comparativists should care)2018/11/29English32
Direct democracy and subjective regime legitimacy in Europe2016/06/16English32
Mobile emergency rule in Turkey: legal repression of protests during authoritarian transformation2020/05/14English32
Post-conflict elections and the process of demilitarizing politics: the role of electoral administration2004/06/01English32
The limits to democracy posed by oil rentier states: The cases of Algeria, Nigeria and Libya2006/02/01English32
When can external actors influence democratization? Leverage, linkages, and gatekeeper elites2013/06/01English32
Changing Politics from Below? Women Parliamentarians in Morocco2007/07/24English31
The Technocratic Politics of Administrative Participation: Case Studies of Singapore and Vietnam2007/12/01English31
State capacity and political regime stability2014/11/10English31
State capacity and the paradox of authoritarian elections2014/11/10English31
Towards a universal framework for democracy assessment2004/04/01English31