Journal of South Asian Development

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Determinants of Livelihood Choices2014/11/28English45
The Indian Women’s Movement2015/04/01English38
Adoption Pattern and Welfare Impact of Agricultural Technology2016/03/23English37
NGOs, Politics and Grassroots Mobilisation2006/04/01English32
Women’s Labour Force Participation and Domestic Violence2016/06/29English31
From Sea to Shrimp Processing Factories in Bangladesh2008/10/01English25
Lives in Motion2009/07/01English23
Exchange Rate and Economic Growth2017/04/01English22
Adivasi Mobilisation2009/04/01English20
Between National Security and Ethno-nationalism2008/10/01English20
Is Manufacturing an Engine of Growth in India in the Post-Nineties?2013/12/01English19
In the Name of ‘Poor and Marginalised’? Politics of NGO Activism with Dalit Women in Rural North India2009/04/01English17
Literary Representations of the ‘New Indian Woman’2010/10/01English17
Youth Futures and a Masculine Development Ethos in the Regional Story of Uttarakhand2017/07/25English16
Hindu–Muslim Brotherhood2007/07/01English15
Skill, Work and Gendered Identity in Contemporary India: The Business of Delivering Home-Cooked Food for Domestic Consumption2018/11/12English15
Water as Foe, Water as Friend2007/01/01English15
Conceptualizing Surrogacy as Work-Labour2018/06/18English14
From ‘Plantation Workers’ to Naukrānī2018/07/11English14
Link Work2015/12/01English14
A Tale of Three Villages2008/06/01English14
Quality of Governance, Corruption and Absolute Child Poverty in India2015/08/01English14
Spillover Effects of Research and Development, Exports and Foreign Investment on Productivity2017/04/01English13
Producing the Aesthetic Self: An Analysis of Aesthetic Skill and Labour in the Organized Retail Industries in India2018/11/16English13
Awakening Giants, Feet of Clay2006/04/01English13
Individual and Ecological Variation in Child Undernutrition in India2015/08/01English13
International Trade and Productivity Growth in Indian Industry: Evidence from the Organized Manufacturing Sector2019/04/01English12
From Demanding to Delivering Development2014/08/01English12
Citizen Participation and Political Accountability for Public Service Delivery in India2018/04/01English12
English-speaking and Educated Female Domestic Workers in Contemporary India2018/07/20English12