Comparative Literature: East & West

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Mulan in China and America: From Premodern to Modern2018/01/02English5
Cross-cultural Variation: Chinese Monkey King Legend as a Trickster in America2019/07/03English4
A Modern-Day Romantic: The Romantic Sublime in Hayao Miyazaki’s Creative Philosophy2019/07/03English3
Aspects of Chick-Lit: A Comparison between Western Chick-Lit and the Israeli Chick-Lit The Song of the Siren2022/03/15English3
“Doing” ecocriticism: Oppressions of nature and animals in Philip Larkin’s poetry2021/01/02English2
Deviation and Restoration of Mundaneness and Mythological Nature in Chinese Cinema—Evolution of Chinese Directors of Different Generations over the Past Forty Years after the Reform and Opening-up Policy2018/04/03English2
Shakespeare’s Othello and The Romance of Antar: The Politics of Racism and Self-Fashioning2019/01/02English2
Bauman and Heller: Two Views of Modernity and Culture2017/01/02English2
Medio-translatology: New Perspectives on Comparative Literature and Translation Studies2017/01/02English2
Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Vishal Bhardwaj’s Maqbool: A Comparative Analysis2020/07/02English2
Queer[ing] Performativity, Queer[ing] Subversions: A Critique of Judith Butler’s Theory of Performativity2014/03/01English2
Character Teaching in TCFL in the English Context: Dilemma and Breakthrough, a Discussion Based on the Perspective of Semiotics2014/03/01English2
Chinese School of Comparative Literature: The Theoretical Fundamentals And Its System of Methodology2000/03/01English2
Orientalism: Western Conceptions of the Orient — On Edwad W. Said’s Orientalism2002/03/01English2
Ideology of Translation vs Translation of Ideology: A Study on the Notion ofldeology in Translation Studies2011/03/01English2
Idiosyncrasies and literary Functions of Long Sentences in The Sound and the Fury2015/10/01English2
A Comparative Study on Imagery in Chinese and English Poetry2000/03/01English2
Hybridization in Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s “Kubla Khan”2016/03/01English1
Adult Education and the Rise of British Cultural Studies2015/10/01English1
Hans-Georg Gadamer on Praxis and Hermeneutical Understanding2011/03/01English1
Kristevan Reading of Carol Ann Duffy’s “The Grammar of Light”2010/10/01English1
Idea-scape (yijing) : Understanding Imagery in the Chinese Poetic Tradition2015/03/01English1
The Focus of Comparative Literature in the World Has Shifted to China2010/03/01English1
Framing Possible-worlds Narratology2010/10/01English1
Anxiety of Glocalization: Contemporary Chinese Art Responding to Western Influence2015/03/01English1
Reflections on Comparative Literature in the Twenty-First Century2010/03/01English1
Bassnett’s Quixotian Fight: Reading Note on: Susan Bassnett, “Reflections on Comparative Literature in the Twenty-First Century”2010/03/01English1
Transforming Martial Arts for Global Consumption: Narrative Strategies ofCrouching Tiger; Hidden Dragon2014/06/01English1
The Inability of Language: A Rhetorical Deconstructive Analysis of Heart of Darkness2014/10/01English1