Wireless Networks

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A survey of millimeter wave communications (mmWave) for 5G: opportunities and challenges2015/04/09English546
Security of the Internet of Things: perspectives and challenges2014/06/17English524
A survey on wireless body area networks2010/11/11English417
a high-throughput path metric for multi-hop wireless routing2005/07/01English337
Improving Wireless Sensor Network Lifetime through Power Aware Organization2005/05/01English303
A review of industrial wireless networks in the context of Industry 4.02015/11/26English267
Directional routing and scheduling for green vehicular delay tolerant networks2012/06/06English251
A particle swarm optimization based energy efficient cluster head selection algorithm for wireless sensor networks2016/04/18English225
An unequal cluster-based routing protocol in wireless sensor networks2007/04/03English211
Impact of Interference on Multi-Hop Wireless Network Performance2005/07/01English179
Ariadne: A Secure On-Demand Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks2005/01/01English173
Relay sensor placement in wireless sensor networks2007/01/04English169
Controlled sink mobility for prolonging wireless sensor networks lifetime2007/02/07English156
TTDD: Two-Tier Data Dissemination in Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks2005/01/01English155
A secure authentication scheme for VANETs with batch verification2014/12/23English153
Routing for disruption tolerant networks: taxonomy and design2010/09/10English153
TDMA scheduling algorithms for wireless sensor networks2009/05/27English149
The Horus location determination system2007/01/04English148
Cluster based wireless sensor network routing using artificial bee colony algorithm2012/04/24English143
Toward a secure batch verification with group testing for VANET2013/01/20English135
Energy-Efficient, Collision-Free Medium Access Control for Wireless Sensor Networks2006/02/01English132
GRAdient Broadcast: A Robust Data Delivery Protocol for Large Scale Sensor Networks2005/05/01English131
Cluster head selection for energy efficient and delay-less routing in wireless sensor network2017/07/15English129
Fuzzy logic based unequal clustering for wireless sensor networks2015/07/09English129
Authenticated key agreement scheme for fog-driven IoT healthcare system2018/05/29English125
Connectivity of Wireless Multihop Networks in a Shadow Fading Environment2005/09/01English120
Future Internet of Things: open issues and challenges2014/05/13English116
A survey of wireless technologies coexistence in WBAN: analysis and open research issues2014/05/11English106
Multi-objective fractional artificial bee colony algorithm to energy aware routing protocol in wireless sensor network2015/08/18English99
A survey on data aggregation techniques in IoT sensor networks2019/09/25English98