Wireless Networks

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Cloud-assisted body area networks: state-of-the-art and future challenges2014/04/09English95
Joint computation offloading and task caching for multi-user and multi-task MEC systems: reinforcement learning-based algorithms2021/02/09English95
A review on smart home present state and challenges: linked to context-awareness internet of things (IoT)2018/03/20English93
Novel Quick Start (QS) method for optimization of TCP2015/05/19English92
Novel approach of distributed & adaptive trust metrics for MANET2019/03/20English89
Multiconstrained QoS multipath routing in wireless sensor networks2007/01/04English85
Comprehensive review for energy efficient hierarchical routing protocols on wireless sensor networks2018/03/08English85
Privacy-preserving data aggregation scheme against internal attackers in smart grids2015/06/05English84
LEACH-MAC: a new cluster head selection algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks2015/04/26English83
On batch verification with group testing for vehicular communications2011/09/14English83
Energy harvesting and battery power based routing in wireless sensor networks2015/12/15English80
Cognitive radio: survey on communication protocols, spectrum decision issues, and future research directions2011/10/07English76
Barrier coverage with wireless sensors2006/10/23English75
Transformation-based processing of typed resources for multimedia sources in the IoT environment2019/11/30English74
A stable energy efficient clustering protocol for wireless sensor networks2016/03/24English73
A reliable energy-efficient pressure-based routing protocol for underwater wireless sensor network2017/02/06English72
Random waypoint mobility model in cellular networks2006/06/07English70
Multi-objective fractional gravitational search algorithm for energy efficient routing in IoT2017/08/16English68
Information cache management and data transmission algorithm in opportunistic social networks2018/02/17English68
Improving lifetime and network connections of 3D wireless sensor networks based on fuzzy clustering and particle swarm optimization2016/11/28English68
Fog Computing Applications in Smart Cities: A Systematic Survey2019/12/12English67
IBLEACH: intra-balanced LEACH protocol for wireless sensor networks2014/01/24English67
Unification of Blockchain and Internet of Things (BIoT): requirements, working model, challenges and future directions2020/08/06English66
Power-domain non orthogonal multiple access (PD-NOMA) in cooperative networks: an overview2018/07/30English64
Survey on channel reciprocity based key establishment techniques for wireless systems2015/01/13English62
Energy balanced data propagation in wireless sensor networks2006/05/19English61
MAP based modeling method and performance study of a task offloading scheme with time-correlated traffic and VM repair in MEC systems2022/08/25English60
An ant colony optimization based routing algorithm for extending network lifetime in wireless sensor networks2015/11/14English60
Zero-configuration indoor localization over IEEE 802.11 wireless infrastructure2008/10/04English59
A sustainable heuristic QoS routing algorithm for pervasive multi-layered satellite wireless networks2009/10/22English59