Multimedia Systems

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Multimodal fusion for multimedia analysis: a survey2010/04/04English424
Relevance feedback in image retrieval: A comprehensive review2003/04/01263
Robust anonymous authentication protocol for health-care applications using wireless medical sensor networks2013/12/10English215
Metropolitan area video-on-demand service using pyramid broadcasting1996/08/01158
Mean opinion score (MOS) revisited: methods and applications, limitations and alternatives2014/12/28English154
A visual attention model for adapting images on small displays2003/10/01144
Dynamic batching policies for an on-demand video server1996/06/01English140
A novel image encryption based on hash function with only two-round diffusion process2013/03/24English124
Smart healthcare monitoring: a voice pathology detection paradigm for smart cities2017/07/08English123
Dynamic watermarking scheme for quantum images based on Hadamard transform2014/02/12English101
A survey of QoS architectures1998/05/0195
A content-based recommendation algorithm for learning resources2017/03/14English94
An improved and anonymous two-factor authentication protocol for health-care applications with wireless medical sensor networks2015/08/08English91
NeTra: A toolbox for navigating large image databases1999/05/0189
A hierarchical Bayesian network for event recognition of human actions and interactions2004/08/01English88
Content-based audio classification and segmentation by using support vector machines2003/04/0179
Measuring and analyzing the characteristics of Napster and Gnutella hosts2003/08/0178
A feature-based algorithm for detecting and classifying production effects1999/03/0172
An overview of audio information retrieval1999/01/0170
Region-based shape representation and similarity measure suitable for content-based image retrieval1999/03/0167
Curvature scale space image in shape similarity retrieval1999/11/0166
Deep learning-based meta-classifier approach for COVID-19 classification using CT scan and chest X-ray images2021/07/06English64
Efficient schemes for broadcasting popular videos2002/07/0163
Packet audio playout delay adjustment: performance bounds and algorithms1998/02/0163
Adaptive piggybacking: a novel technique for data sharing in video-on-demand storage servers1996/06/01English62
Comparing images using joint histograms1999/05/0162
Blockchain-enabled supply chain: analysis, challenges, and future directions2020/11/20English61
Analysis of a CDN–P2P hybrid architecture for cost-effective streaming media distribution2006/03/17English60
Constructing table-of-content for videos1999/09/0160
Learning in high-dimensional multimedia data: the state of the art2015/10/20English60