Multimedia Systems

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Query by video clip1999/09/0158
A novel image encryption cryptosystem based on true random numbers and chaotic systems2021/05/05English58
Video content authentication techniques: a comprehensive survey2017/02/17English55
Using sonification1999/01/0152
Myocardial infarction detection based on deep neural network on imbalanced data2021/01/06English51
A look inside the Pl@ntNet experience2015/04/11English49
Classifying spatiotemporal object trajectories using unsupervised learning in the coefficient feature space2006/09/19English48
Review of data features-based music emotion recognition methods2017/08/03English46
A graph-based CNN-LSTM stock price prediction algorithm with leading indicators2021/02/22English46
A hybrid edge-cloud architecture for reducing on-demand gaming latency2014/04/11English46
Evaluation of MPEG-7 shape descriptors against other shape descriptors2003/07/0145
The state of the art of deep learning models in medical science and their challenges2020/09/25English45
Voronoi-based reverse nearest neighbor query processing on spatial networks2009/09/12English45
Segmentation of blood vessels using rule-based and machine-learning-based methods: a review2017/12/13English45
Rule-based approach to recognizing human body poses and gestures in real time2013/09/03English44
Exploring video content structure for hierarchical summarization2004/08/01English44
Classification of COVID-19 individuals using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system2021/03/28English44
Traffic and video quality with adaptive neural compression1996/12/0143
Transfer learning using freeze features for Alzheimer neurological disorder detection using ADNI dataset2021/05/04English42
Application of machine learning in ocean data2021/02/14English41
An explainable stacked ensemble of deep learning models for improved melanoma skin cancer detection2021/04/29English41
Perturbed quantization steganography2005/10/14English40
Improving security of quantization-index-modulation steganography in low bit-rate speech streams2013/02/02English40
Video OCR: indexing digital news libraries by recognition of superimposed captions1999/09/0140
Implementing digital game-based learning in schools: augmented learning environment of ‘Europe 2045’2009/11/21English39
Cyberbullying detection solutions based on deep learning architectures2020/10/13English39
Review on image-stitching techniques2020/03/20English39
View-invariant motion trajectory-based activity classification and recognition2006/03/24English37
Spatio-temporal composition and indexing for large multimedia applications1998/07/0137
Medical image-based detection of COVID-19 using Deep Convolution Neural Networks2021/04/28English37