
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Stability and L2-gain analysis for switched delay systems: A delay-dependent method2006/10/01English519
An internal model principle is necessary and sufficient for linear output synchronization2011/05/01English515
LMI-based relaxed nonquadratic stabilization conditions for nonlinear systems in the Takagi–Sugeno's form2004/05/01English508
Finite-time command filtered backstepping control for a class of nonlinear systems2018/06/01English505
Adaptive output-feedback control design with prescribed performance for switched nonlinear systems2017/06/01English504
Singular perturbations and order reduction in control theory — An overview1976/03/01English502
Control allocation—A survey2013/05/01English496
Distributed event-triggered control of multi-agent systems with combinational measurements2013/02/01English494
Generalized Predictive Control—Part II Extensions and interpretations1987/03/01English490
Implementation of self-tuning regulators with variable forgetting factors1981/11/01English487
Asynchronous l2–l∞ filtering for discrete-time stochastic Markov jump systems with randomly occurred sensor nonlinearities2014/01/01English487
Homogeneity approach to high-order sliding mode design2005/05/01English485
A distributed event-triggered transmission strategy for sampled-data consensus of multi-agent systems2014/05/01English484
Adaptive actuator failure compensation control of uncertain nonlinear systems with guaranteed transient performance2010/12/01English482
Computational adaptive optimal control for continuous-time linear systems with completely unknown dynamics2012/10/01English474
A novel adaptive-gain supertwisting sliding mode controller: Methodology and application2012/05/01English473
Adaptive control-based Barrier Lyapunov Functions for a class of stochastic nonlinear systems with full state constraints2018/01/01English465
Controllability and observability of Boolean control networks2009/07/01English464
Identification of the deterministic part of MIMO state space models given in innovations form from input-output data1994/01/01English463
Stability of switched positive linear systems with average dwell time switching2012/06/01English461
A unified framework for the study of anti-windup designs1994/12/01English459
A riccati equation approach to the stabilization of uncertain linear systems1986/07/01English450
Zeros of sampled systems1984/01/01English449
Fault-tolerant control of Markovian jump stochastic systems via the augmented sliding mode observer approach2014/07/01English447
A linguistic self-organizing process controller1979/01/01English446
Maximum correntropy Kalman filter2017/02/01English443
Principles of 2-sliding mode design2007/04/01English442
Finite-time convergent gradient flows with applications to network consensus2006/11/01English438
Decentralized adaptive output-feedback stabilization for large-scale stochastic nonlinear systems2007/02/01English436
Cooperative control of a nonuniform gantry crane with constrained tension2016/04/01English434