
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Multi-sensor optimal information fusion Kalman filter2004/06/01English432
Recursive bayesian estimation using gaussian sums1971/07/01English425
Rating and ranking of multiple-aspect alternatives using fuzzy sets1977/01/01English424
Observer-based adaptive sliding mode control for nonlinear Markovian jump systems2016/02/01English423
Event-triggered communication and H∞ control co-design for networked control systems2013/05/01English421
The invariance conditions in variable structure systems1969/05/01English421
Event-based consensus of multi-agent systems with general linear models2014/02/01English419
Synchronization in networks of identical linear systems2009/11/01English417
A low-complexity global approximation-free control scheme with prescribed performance for unknown pure feedback systems2014/04/01English415
Event-triggered sliding mode control of stochastic systems via output feedback2017/08/01English415
Smooth second-order sliding modes: Missile guidance application2007/08/01English413
Adaptive maneuvering, with experiments, for a model ship in a marine control laboratory2005/02/01English412
Distributed consensus of linear multi-agent systems with adaptive dynamic protocols2013/07/01English411
Pinning adaptive synchronization of a general complex dynamical network2008/04/01English410
Synchronization and power sharing for droop-controlled inverters in islanded microgrids2013/09/01English409
Adaptive optimal control for continuous-time linear systems based on policy iteration2009/02/01English409
Sliding mode control with bounded ℒ2 gain performance of Markovian jump singular time-delay systems2012/08/01English405
Adaptive finite-time tracking control of full state constrained nonlinear systems with dead-zone2019/02/01English400
Time-varying feedback for regulation of normal-form nonlinear systems in prescribed finite time2017/09/01English398
Analysis and synthesis of switched linear control systems2005/02/01English398
Distributed adaptive control for synchronization of unknown nonlinear networked systems2010/12/01English397
Continuous nonsingular terminal sliding mode control for systems with mismatched disturbances2013/07/01English393
Improved delay-range-dependent stability criteria for linear systems with time-varying delays2010/02/01English388
On global identifiability for arbitrary model parametrizations1994/02/01English382
Lyapunov conditions for input-to-state stability of impulsive systems2008/11/01English378
Wirtinger’s inequality and Lyapunov-based sampled-data stabilization2012/01/01English375
Detecting changes in signals and systems—A survey1988/05/01English374
An integral predictive/nonlinear H∞ control structure for a quadrotor helicopter2010/01/01English374
Stabilization of linear systems over networks with bounded packet loss2007/01/01English372
A unified framework for the numerical solution of optimal control problems using pseudospectral methods2010/11/01English372