Waves in Random and Complex Media

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Light scintillation in oceanic turbulence2012/05/01English186
New exact solutions of Burgers’ type equations with conformable derivative2016/07/07English158
New exact solutions of nonlinear conformable time-fractional Boussinesq equations using the modified Kudryashov method2017/02/28English140
Optical solitons in medium with parabolic law nonlinearity and higher order dispersion2014/09/22English115
Nonlocal theory of thermoelastic materials with voids and fractional derivative heat transfer2018/04/02English108
Bio-inspired peristaltic propulsion of hybrid nanofluid flow with Tantalum (Ta) and Gold (Au) nanoparticles under magnetic effects2021/11/09English106
Exponential prototype structures for (2+1)-dimensional Boiti-Leon-Pempinelli systems in mathematical physics2016/01/12English104
A DPL model of photothermal interaction in a semiconductor material2018/02/07English99
Thirring combo-solitons with cubic nonlinearity and spatio-temporal dispersion2016/01/12English97
Thermal conductivity variation and heat generation effects on magneto-hybrid nanofluid flow in a porous medium with slip condition2020/08/24English92
Optical dark and dark-singular soliton solutions of (1+2)-dimensional chiral nonlinear Schrodinger’s equation2018/04/03English92
Slow light in photonic crystals2006/08/01English92
Exponential rational function method for space–time fractional differential equations2016/01/08English91
Solitons, Bäcklund transformation and Lax pair for a (2+1)-dimensional Davey-Stewartson system on surface waves of finite depth2017/09/13English88
Photo-thermo-elastic wave propagation in an orthotropic semiconductor with a spherical cavity and memory responses2020/01/06English87
New wave behaviors of the system of equations for the ion sound and Langmuir Waves2016/05/05English85
Combined optical solitary waves of the Fokas—Lenells equation2017/02/01English83
Photothermal waves for two temperature with a semiconducting medium under using a dual-phase-lag model and hydrostatic initial stress2016/12/20English77
On the complex structures of Kundu-Eckhaus equation via improved Bernoulli sub-equation function method2015/08/28English76
Optimal synthesis of 2D phononic crystals for broadband frequency isolation2007/10/18English71
Two-temperature plane strain problem in a semiconducting medium under photothermal theory2016/06/30English71
Numerical investigation of EMHD nanofluid flows over a convectively heated riga pattern positioned horizontally in a Darcy-Forchheimer porous medium: application of passive control strategy and generalized transfer laws2022/05/19English70
Multi-soliton rational solutions for quantum Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation in quantum magnetoplasmas2016/03/31English65
Hydrothermal analysis of ethylene glycol nanofluid in a porous enclosure with complex snowflake shaped inner wall2020/05/01English65
Wave propagation analysis of a spinning porous graphene nanoplatelet-reinforced nanoshell2019/11/27English64
A marine atmospheric spectrum for laser propagation2008/01/14English63
Dynamism of a hybrid Casson nanofluid with laser radiation and chemical reaction through sinusoidal channels2022/04/11English62
Lax pair, binary Darboux transformations and dark-soliton interaction of a fifth-order defocusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation for the attosecond pulses in the optical fiber communication2018/10/08English59
Einstein's vacuum field equation: Painlevé analysis and Lie symmetries2019/02/01English57
Thermal-piezoelectric problem of a semiconductor medium during photo-thermal excitation2020/04/29English57