Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering

Title Publication Date Language Citations
On the use of the half-power bandwidth method to estimate damping in building structures2011/07/01English127
Nonlinear analysis for dynamic lateral pile response1996/06/01English126
Track and ground vibrations generated by high-speed train running on ballastless railway with excitation of vertical track irregularities2015/09/01English125
A semi-analytical approach to a nonlinear stress–strain analysis of buried steel pipelines crossing active faults2010/11/01English125
Diffraction of SV waves by underground, circular, cylindrical cavities1992/01/01English125
Factors influencing the behavior of buried pipelines subjected to earthquake faulting2009/03/01English124
Response of a non-linear system with restoring forces governed by fractional derivatives—Time domain simulation and statistical linearization solution2010/09/01English124
Multi-point shaking table test for long tunnels subjected to non-uniform seismic loadings - part II: Application to the HZM immersed tunnel2018/05/01English122
A taxonomy of site response complexity2012/10/01English122
Effects of inertial and kinematic interaction on seismic behavior of pile with embedded foundation2005/08/01English121
NEEWS: A novel earthquake early warning model using neural dynamic classification and neural dynamic optimization2017/09/01English120
Soil-dependent optimum design of a new passive vibration control system combining seismic base isolation with tuned inerter damper2018/02/01English120
Seismic wave amplification: Basin geometry vs soil layering2005/08/01English120
Effects of near-fault and far-fault ground motions on nonlinear dynamic response and seismic damage of concrete gravity dams2013/10/01English120
Prediction of ground vibration induced by blasting operations through the use of the Bayesian Network and random forest models2020/12/01English120
Seismic damage evaluation in urban areas using the capacity spectrum method: Application to Barcelona2008/10/01English119
Experimental and numerical analyses of vibrations induced by high-speed trains on the Córdoba–Málaga line2009/04/01English119
Influence of soil non-linearity on the dynamic response of high-speed railway tracks2010/04/01English118
Non-uniqueness in surface-wave inversion and consequences on seismic site response analyses2009/06/01English118
Observed dynamic soil–structure interaction in scale testing of offshore wind turbine foundations2013/11/01English116
Field testing and analysis of high speed rail vibrations2014/12/01English116
Field experiments on wave propagation and vibration isolation by using wave barriers2009/05/01English114
Stiffness degradation of natural fine grained soils during cyclic loading2007/09/01English113
A method for generating fully non-stationary and spectrum-compatible ground motion vector processes2011/03/01English112
Rapid earthquake loss assessment after damaging earthquakes2011/02/01English112
Historical development of friction-based seismic isolation systems2018/03/01English111
Earthquake hazard in Marmara Region, Turkey2004/09/01English110
Experimental validation of soil–structure interaction of offshore wind turbines2011/05/01English110
Detailed assessment of structural characteristics of Turkish RC building stock for loss assessment models2008/10/01English109
Evaluation of ground vibration effect of blasting operations in a magnesite mine2009/04/01English109