Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Stability charts for pseudo-static slope stability analysis2006/09/01English108
A comparative study of buried structure in soil subjected to blast load using 2D and 3D numerical simulations2005/06/01English108
An analytical method for strength verification of buried steel pipelines at normal fault crossings2011/11/01English107
Predicting blast-induced ground vibration using various types of neural networks2010/11/01English107
Earthquake early warning: Concepts, methods and physical grounds2011/02/01English106
Bounding surface plasticity model for the seismic liquefaction analysis of geostructures2010/10/01English106
A laboratory study on the undrained strength of a silty sand from Central Western Taiwan2004/10/01English106
Study on the propagation law of tunnel blasting vibration in stratum and blasting vibration reduction technology2019/11/01English105
Shaking-table tests and numerical simulations on a subway structure in soft soil2015/09/01English105
Should average shear-wave velocity in the top 30m of soil be used to describe seismic amplification?2010/11/01English105
The reflection of plane waves in a poroelastic half-space saturated with inviscid fluid2005/04/01English103
Seismic analysis and design of rockfill dams: state-of-the-art1992/01/01English102
Removable friction dampers for low-damage steel beam-to-column joints2018/12/01English101
InterPACIFIC project: Comparison of invasive and non-invasive methods for seismic site characterization. Part II: Inter-comparison between surface-wave and borehole methods2016/03/01English101
On the influence of a non-cohesive fines content on small strain stiffness, modulus degradation and damping of quartz sand2015/02/01English101
PRESTo, the earthquake early warning system for Southern Italy: Concepts, capabilities and future perspectives2011/02/01English101
Dynamic parameters of structures extracted from ambient vibration measurements: An aid for the seismic vulnerability assessment of existing buildings in moderate seismic hazard regions2008/08/01English101
Seismic earth pressures on rigid and flexible retaining walls2005/08/01English101
Site effects on strong ground motion1987/04/01English100
Evaluation of dynamic properties of sandy soil at high cyclic strains2017/08/01English100
Neural network model for liquefaction potential in soil deposits using Turkey and Taiwan earthquake data2007/06/01English100
Shaking table testing of geofoam seismic buffers2007/04/01English99
Ballast mats for the reduction of railway traffic vibrations. Numerical study2012/11/01English99
Seismic retrofitting with buckling restrained braces: Application to an existing non-ductile RC framed building2010/11/01English99
Effect of depositional method on the undrained behavior and microstructure of sand with silt2004/10/01English97
Free field vibrations caused by high-speed lines: Measurement and time domain simulation2011/04/01English97
Dynamic properties of granular soils mixed with granulated rubber2012/12/01English97
Shear modulus and damping ratio of grouted sand2004/08/01English96
6th Ishihara lecture: Simplified procedure for estimating liquefaction-induced building settlement2017/11/01English96
Development of Winkler model for static and dynamic response of caisson foundations with soil and interface nonlinearities2006/05/01English96