Australian Geographer

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Thresholds and lags in geomorphologic changes1983/11/01English33
Edges of Connection: reconceptualising the human role in urban biogeography2006/03/01English33
Toward an Understanding and Definition of Wilderness Spirituality2007/03/01English32
Nurturing Relationships: the gardens of Greek and Vietnamese migrants in Marrickville, Sydney2006/11/01English32
The Geography of Racisms in NSW: A theoretical exploration and some preliminary findings from the mid-1990s2001/02/01English32
Competitive Productivism and Australia's Emerging ‘Alternative’ Agri-food Networks: producing for farmers' markets in Victoria and beyond2010/09/01English32
Following the Actors: mobilising an actor-network theory methodology in geography2009/12/01English31
Seeing the trees for the (urban) forest: more-than-human geographies and urban greening2018/09/06English31
I cannot afford to live alone in this city and I enjoy the company of others: why people are share housing in Sydney2019/06/11English31
Local Agenda 21 and Barriers to Sustainability at the Local Government Level in Victoria, Australia2000/07/01English31
The turnaround in Australia: some first observations from the 1991 census1994/05/01English31
Creative Migration: a Western Australian case study of creative artists2010/03/01English31
The Geography of Islamophobia in Sydney: mapping the spatial imaginaries of young Muslims2016/06/30English31
For still possible cities: a politics of failure for the politically depressed2018/11/25English30
Multiple Work Sites and City-wide Networks: a topological approach to understanding creative work2010/03/01English30
The politics of greening unceded lands in the settler city2020/03/19English30
Placing Bets: gambling venues and the distribution of harm2012/12/01English29
The conditionality of status: Experience-based reflections on the insider/outsider issue2004/07/01English29
River terrace types in the Coastal Valleys of New South Wales1972/03/01English29
The formation of longitudinal dunes: evidence from the simpson desert1968/09/01English29
Some thingsdochange: indigenous rights, geographers and geography in Australia1998/07/01English29
The redefined role of finance in Australian agriculture2017/10/23English29
Killing Sharks: cultures and politics of encounter and the sea2014/04/03English29
Competing Perceptions of the Rural Idyll: responses to threats from coal seam gas development in Gloucester, NSW, Australia2014/04/03English29
Planning a Prosperous Sydney: The challenges of planning urban development in the new urban context2002/11/01English28
Style Wars: revolution in the suburbs?2006/07/01English28
Resisting a ‘Doomed’ Fate: an analysis of the Pacific Climate Warriors2017/01/02English28
Population Resettlement in the Pacific: lessons from a hazardous history?2012/06/01English28
The Radically Subversive Space of the Queer Home: ‘Safety House’1 and ‘Neighbourhood Watch’22008/09/01English28
A Travel Cost Study of Duck Hunting in the Upper South East of South Australia2002/07/01English27