Australian Geographer

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Managed Temporary Labour Migration of Pacific Islanders to Australia and New Zealand in the Early Twenty-first Century2017/01/02English27
Engaging Communities for Success: social impact assessment and social licence to operate at Northparkes Mines, NSW2013/12/01English27
‘Nature’, Place and the Recognition of Indigenous Polities2006/03/01English27
Place ‘From One Glance’: the use of place in the marketing of New Zealand and Australian wines2007/03/01English26
Measuring Urban Sustainability: the potential and pitfalls of city rankings2012/12/01English26
The Getting of the Nganabbarru: Observations and reflections on Aboriginal buffalo hunting in northern Australia2002/07/01English26
The closure of the Australian car manufacturing industry: redundancy, policy and community impacts2018/01/16English26
On Squatters, Settlers and Early Surveyors: historical development of country road reserves in southern New South Wales2005/03/01English26
A fluvial sediment budget for upper Wolumla Creek, south coast, New South Wales, Australia1998/03/01English26
A pleistocene origin for shore platforms along the Northern Illawarra Coast, New South Wales1994/11/01English26
Valuing Water: variability and the Lake Eyre Basin, central Australia2006/03/01English26
Further assessment of flood‐ and drought‐dominated regimes in south‐eastern Australia1998/07/01English26
Neoliberalism, Mineral Development and Indigenous People: a framework for analysis2011/09/01English25
Human Response to Extreme Events: a review of three post-tsunami disaster case studies2011/09/01English25
The politics of urban greening: an introduction2020/04/02English25
A thousand years of environmental change and human impact in the alpine zone at Mt Kosciusko, New South Wales1994/05/01English25
Social impact assessment and resource development: issues from the Australian experience1989/11/01English24
Sustainable Housing Development in Urban Australia: exploring obstacles to and opportunities for ecocity efforts2005/11/01English24
Retrofitting the Suburban Garden: morphologies and some elements of sustainability potential of two Australian residential suburbs compared2009/09/01English24
Examining Corporate-sector Involvement in the Governance of Selected Mining-intensive Regions in Australia2011/06/01English24
Rights or Containment? The politics of Aboriginal cultural heritage in Victoria2006/11/01English24
Farmer-driven Innovation in New South Wales, Australia2013/03/01English24
The Sponge City Hypothesis: does it hold water?2008/06/01English24
Temporal variability of climate in south‐eastern Australia: a reassessment of flood‐ and drought‐dominated regimes1998/07/01English24
Late Pleistocene to early Holocene aeolian activity in the upper and middle Shoalhaven catchment, New South Wales1991/11/01English24
Value, Identity and Place: unearthing the emotional geographies of the extractive sector2016/11/22English24
Sydney's Ethnic Geography: New approaches to analysing patterns of residential concentration2001/07/01English23
Towards good governance of urban greening: insights from four initiatives in Melbourne, Australia2020/01/04English23
Immigrant city, global city? Advantage and disadvantage among communities from Asia in Sydney1998/03/01English23
Stability or change: a review of ideas on ancient drainage in Eastern New South Wales1982/11/01English23