Applied Developmental Science

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Risk and Protection in Successful Outcomes Among Disadvantaged Adolescents1998/12/01English94
Predicting Positive Citizenship from Adolescence to Young Adulthood: The Effects of a Civic Context2008/03/05English93
Youth as Agents of Adult and Community Development: Mapping the Processes and Outcomes of Youth Engaged in Organizational Governance2004/04/01English81
Parents' Socializing Behavior and Children's Participation in Math, Science, and Computer Out-of-School Activities2005/01/01English81
What is Pre-Kindergarten? Characteristics of Public Pre-Kindergarten Programs2005/07/01English80
Theories and possible processes of action in animal assisted interventions2017/02/23English79
Research on animal-assisted intervention and autism spectrum disorder, 2012–20152017/02/23English77
Animal-assisted therapies for youth with or at risk for mental health problems: A systematic review2016/01/25English77
Interviewing Child Witnesses: Questioning Techniques and the Role of Training1999/06/01English77
The Impact of a Sport-Based Life Skill Program on Adolescent Prosocial Values2007/01/01English75
Assessing the Effectiveness of a Training Program for Interviewing Child Witnesses1999/06/01English75
Empirically-Derived, Person-Oriented Patterns of School Readiness in Typically-Developing Children: Description and Prediction to First-Grade Achievement2005/10/01English75
Ivory Towers or Earthen Trenches? Community Collaborations to Foster Real-World Research1999/12/01English74
Early home learning environment predicts children’s 5th grade academic skills2017/08/04English71
Expected Consequences of Disclosure Revealed in Investigative Interviews with Suspected Victims of Child Sexual Abuse2011/01/18English70
South Florida's Immigrant Youth and Civic Engagement: Major Engagement: Minor Differences2008/04/11English69
Current challenges to research on animal-assisted interventions2017/02/23English68
Conducting Studies with Fathers: Challenges and Opportunities2007/12/01English65
The Protective Influence of Mentoring on Adolescents' Substance Use: Direct and Indirect Pathways2005/01/01English64
Adult Attachment: Implications for the Therapeutic Process in a Home Visitation Intervention1997/03/01English63
Consultation for Teachers and Children's Language and Literacy Development during Pre-Kindergarten2010/10/19English63
Exposure to Neighborhood Affluence and Poverty in Childhood and Adolescence and Academic Achievement and Behavior2014/07/01English62
School-Based Required Community Service and Civic Development in Adolescents2006/01/01English61
Developmental Antecedents of Young Adult Civic Engagement2007/01/01English60
Quality of Social and Physical Environments in Preschools and Children's Development of Academic, Language, and Literacy Skills2008/07/14English60
Civic Education: What Schools Can Do to Encourage Civic Identity and Action2011/04/19English60
Perceived Discrimination, Coping Strategies, and Mexican Origin Adolescents' Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors: Examining the Moderating Role of Gender and Cultural Orientation2013/01/01English60
Interviewer Questions and Content Analysis of Children's Statements of Sexual Abuse1999/06/01English59
Adolescent Characteristics by Type of Long-Term Aim in Life2010/01/29English58
Young Children's Responses to Yes-No Questions: Patterns and Problems1999/03/01English58