DFI Journal The Journal of the Deep Foundations Institute

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Ultimate Soil Pressures for Pile Groups in Soft Clay Subjected to Lateral Soil Movements2008/11/01English5
Reliability-Based Optimization Design for Drilled Shafts/ Slope System (DFI Student Paper Competition 2012)2012/12/01English5
Performance of laterally loaded helical piles in clayey soils established from field experience2018/01/02English5
Effect of nail’s orientation and length on soil-nailed retaining structures’ stability2017/01/02English5
Analysis of ground vibrations induced by pile driving and a comparison of vibration prediction methods2016/11/04English5
Region-specific calibration of resistance factors for use with static and wave equation analyses of driven piles2016/11/04English4
Statistical evaluation of design methods for micropiles in Ontario soils2018/09/02English4
Comparison of FEA and analytical methods for determining stability of a RAP supported MSE wall2018/05/04English4
Comparison of Borehole Ultrasound and borehole radar in evaluating the length of two unknown bridge foundations2016/01/02English4
A comparison of quality management for bored pile/drilled shaft (BP/DS) foundation construction and the implementation of recent technologies2016/07/02English4
Lateral Earth Pressure on Lagging in Soldier Pile Wall Systems2008/11/01English4
Load Testing and Interpretation of Instrumented Augered Cast-in-Place Piles2010/12/01English4
A Driveability Study of Precast Concrete Piles in Dense Sand2013/12/01English3
Ant Colony Optimization Method for Design of Piled-Raft Foundations (DFI 2013 Student Paper Competition Winner)2013/12/01English3
Behavior of Axially Loaded Drilled Shaft Foundations with Symmetric Voids Outside and Inside the Caging2012/12/01English3
TECHNICAL NOTE: Direct Solution of the Brinch-Hansen 90% Pile Ultimate Failure Load2013/08/01English3
Jet Grouting and Safety of Tuttle Creek Dam2012/07/01English3
Soil plug behaviour of open-ended pipe piles during installation2017/04/06English3
DFI Journal Underwriters2016/01/02English3
Texas cone penetrometer foundation design method: Qualitative and quantitative assessment2018/05/04English3
DFI Journal Underwriters2016/11/04English3
Lateral Performance of Two-Section Helical Piles in Soft Soils2009/11/01English2
Grouted Micropiles for Foundation Remediation in Expansive Soil (8th Michael W. O’Neill Lecture)2013/08/01English2
Evaluating Excavation Support Systems to Protect Adjacent Structures (The 2010 Michael W. O’Neill Lecture)2010/12/01English2
Uplift Performance of Multi-Helix Anchors in Desiccated Clay2012/12/01English2
Peak and Post-Peak Shear Strength of Cement-Bentonite2010/08/01English2
Lateral Load Testing Micropiles to Evaluate the Impact of Threaded Joints and Casing Embedment on Short Micropiles in Shallow Rock2011/12/01English2
Commentary on the Selection, Design and Specification of Ground Improvement for Mitigation of Earthquake-Induced Liquefaction2013/08/01English2
Effects of installation disturbance on behavior of multi-helix piles in structured clays2015/07/03English2
A comparison of design practice of bored piles/drilled shafts between Europe and North America2016/07/02English2