Revue d’ethnoécologie

Title Publication Date Language Citations
interspecific medicinal knowledge and Mahout-Elephant interactions in Thongmyxay District, Laos2022/12/31
Médecines créoles guyanaise et haïtienne face au Covid-192023/10/26
Rendre compte de l'insaisissable2023/10/26
Oiseleurs en temps d’extinction2023/10/26
Panorama historique sur les plantes alimentaires à féculents en Afrique centrale2023/06/30
Retour sur une recherche pluridisciplinaire autour de l’agriculture dans les Andes Centrales (altiplano bolivien)2023/06/30
The use of underground storage organs in the Early Neolithic (Linearbandkeramik and Blicquy/Villeneuve-Saint-Germain) in the Paris Basin: the contribution of starch grain analyses2023/06/30
Cuando el diablo mete la cola: k´horo, chamanismos y mundos liminales en los Andes centro sur2023/06/30
La saveur du cœur et l’amertume du corps2023/06/30
La culture de la patate douce et du maïs chez les Krahô2023/06/30
Voix de la terre2023/06/30
Les maniocs et les autres2023/06/30
Negotiating fisheries, environmental conservation and protected areas. Spatial and socio-economic marginalization along the coastal area of the Ría Lagartos Biosphere Reserve in Yucatán, Mexico2018/12/31
Natural dyes and dyers in Cambodia2017/03/27
Between oil and tourism, the participative conservation of local heritage in East Timor. Example from Suai and Ataúro (districts of Covalima and Dili)2017/03/27
Coastal toponymy in the Marquesas Islands, Fenua, ‘Enata/Henua ‘Enana, Eastern Polynesia (French Polynesia)2017/03/27
Biodiversity through Domestication2013/06/26
Industrial Relations, Trade Unions and Social Conflict in German Capitalism2013/06/26
Industrial Relations, Trade Unions and Social Conflict in German Capitalism2013/06/26
Hélène Pagezy and the hunger for meat2013/06/26
Biodiversity and viability of peasant agriculture in the Sierra de Manantlán Biosphere Reserve, Mexico2013/06/26
Urban agriculture and human habitat: the rhizome of the allotment gardens of Russia and other European countries2015/07/01
Home vermicompostors, waste and urban soil. The case study of Western Switzerland2015/07/01
Urban agriculture: agricultural alternative or urban alternative2015/07/01
The urban gardens of Seville: the civil commitment against the indifference of the administration2015/07/01
Gardening the ruins: ethnography of a vegetable appropriation on a railway brownfield site2015/07/01
Le Programme d’Agriculture Urbaine de la ville de Rosario en Argentine2015/07/01
Small gardens within a large one. Inventory, study and understanding of a surreptitious gardening phenomenon at Saulx-les-Charteux2015/07/01
Historical approach to urban agriculture in Dahomey (Benin)2015/07/01
Renaissance des potagers, naissance d’une profession2015/07/01