Textual Practice

Title Publication Date Language Citations
‘Writing back’: contemporary re-visionary fiction2006/01/01English10
Wor(l)ds of grief: Traumatic memory and literary witnessing in cross-cultural perspective2010/02/01English10
My lady's chamber: Female space, female chastity in Shakespeare1990/03/01English10
Trauma theory and the singular self: rethinking extreme experiences in the light of cross cultural identity2007/03/01English10
Carceral topography: Spatiality, liminality and corporality in the literary prison1999/03/01English10
Different desires: Subjectivity and transgression in Wilde and Gide1987/03/01English9
‘The shadow of the object‘1: Photography and realism1996/03/01English9
‘Who would dare to make it into an abstraction’: Mourid Barghouti'sI Saw Ramallah2007/12/01English9
The shame of being a man2001/07/019
All about women: Pedro Almodóvar and the heterosocial dynamic2000/01/01English9
Becoming-postcolonial, becoming-Caribbean: Édouard Glissant and the poetics of creolization2009/02/01English9
Science and the cultural imaginary: the case of Kazuo Ishiguro'sNever Let Me Go2009/08/01English9
The ‘postcolonial Gothic’: absent histories, present contexts12009/06/01English8
From scopophilia toSurvivor: A brief history of voyeurism2004/01/01English8
The politics of text and commentary1992/06/01English7
Fiction in the present tense2006/01/01English7
Why the academic left hates identity politics2002/01/01English7
The end of English1987/03/01English7
Libidinal economy, prostitution and consumer culture2010/02/01English7
Alter/natives: myth, translation and the native informant in Pauline Melville'sThe Ventriloquist's Tale2005/01/01English6
Remembering the future: utopianism in African literature2009/10/01English6
Spatial history1989/06/01English6
An ‘effeminate’ or ‘efficient’ nation? Masculinity and eighteenth‐century social documentary1997/12/01English6
The journey of the subject in Angela Carter's fiction1989/03/01English6
The construction of woman in three popular texts of empire: Towards a critique of materialist feminism1989/12/01English6
Taxonomizing hybridity2003/01/01English6
Critical utopias2007/10/01English6
The encyclopedia and the university of theory: idealism and the organization of knowledge2007/06/01English5
’Aesthetic’ and ‘rapport’ in Toni Morrison'sSula1993/06/01English5