Textual Practice

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Towards cultural history — In theory and practice1989/06/01English5
Towards a post‐Africanism: Contemporary African thought and postmodernism1995/03/01English5
The prisonhouse of Orientalism1991/06/01English5
‘What ish my nation?’: Shakespeare and national identities1991/03/01English5
Culture and textuality: Debating cultural materialism1990/03/01English5
Spectres of Sentimentality: the Bollywood Film2009/06/01English5
Orwell's BBC broadcasts: Colonial discourse and the rhetoric of propaganda2002/01/01English5
Outside the republic: a visionary political poetics2009/12/01English5
Intriguing jewellery: Royal bodies and luxurious consumption11997/12/01English5
Barbarism/modernity: Notes on barbarism1999/03/01English5
Hard and wet: Luce Irigaray and the fascist body1998/06/01English5
Presumptive sodomy and its exclusions1999/06/01English5
The Oulipo factor: the procedural poetics of Christian Bök and Caroline Bergvall2004/01/01English5
Why it's easy being a vegetarian2010/02/01English5
The languages of sentiment2008/03/01English5
Modern dance, Negro dance and Katherine Dunham12001/01/01English5
The meaning of irony2000/01/01English5
Mastiffs and spaniels: Gender and nation in the English dog2003/01/01English5
Shakespeare's words of the future: promisingRichard III2005/01/01English5
Can the subaltern be heard? Response and Responsibility in South Africa's Human Spirit2003/01/01English4
'The bright garbage on the incoming wave': Rubbish in the poetry of Derek Mahon2002/01/01English4
Spivak's ‘Echo’: theorizing otherness and the space of response2007/12/01English4
Thinking the outside: Foucault, Derrida and negative theology2002/01/01English4
Shakespeare and religion2001/01/01English4
Self and place in 'The White Light' by Amalia Kahana-Carmon2002/01/01English4
‘This way to the exhibition’: genealogies of urban spectacle in Jean Rhys's interwar fiction2007/10/01English4
Inoperative ironies: Jamesian aestheticism and post-modern culture in Alan Hollinghurst'sthe line of beauty2006/01/01English4
The haunted geometries of Sarah Waters'sAffinity2006/01/01English4
For neither love nor money: the place of political art in Pierre Bourdieu's literary field2009/08/01English4
The animal continuum inA Midsummer Night's Dream2010/02/01English4