NABE Journal of Research and Practice

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Caught Between the Push and the Pull: ELL Teachers’ Perceptions of Mainstreaming and ESOL Classroom Teaching2017/03/01English9
Naming and confronting the challenges of bilingual teacher preparation: A dilemma for dual language education in California – lessons learned2019/11/12English9
From community college to bilingual teachers: Aspirations, validation, and identity of Latinx pre- and in-service teachers2019/01/02English9
Culture-Based Education: Lessons from Indigenous Education in the U.S. and Southeast Asia2014/03/01English8
Experienced bilingual dual language elementary teachers and the reproduction of monoglossic ideology2021/10/29English7
“I wonder why they don’t do the two-way”: Disrupting the one-way/two-way dichotomy, re-envisioning the possibilities of dual language bilingual education2019/01/02English7
Teachers’ classroom practices to achieve integration of content and language in CLIL2020/12/01English5
Language Learning Policy through the Lens of Language as a Problem, as a Right, and as a Resource2015/03/01English5
Negotiating Entangled Contradictions about Being Well Educated: Nudos (Knots) in the Lives of Bilingual Latina Teachers2015/03/01English5
Meeting CLIL teachers’ training and professional development needs2019/07/29English5
Pre‐Service Teacher Attitudes Toward English Language Learners2016/03/01English4
Selecting and using dual language books in classrooms and beyond2019/10/15English3
Negotiating Co-Teaching Identities in Multilingual High School Classrooms2017/03/01English3
"I Don’t Want to Write for Them": An At-Risk Latino Youth’s Out-of-School Literacy Practices2014/03/01English3
Funds of knowledge for scholars: Reflections on the translation of theory and its implications2016/03/01English3
Math and English language development: MELDing content and academic language for English learners2020/01/02English3
STEA2M camp at the Orchard: A community cultural wealth approach2019/09/05English3
Editor’s Introduction2013/03/01English3
Los programas de lenguaje dual como vía hacia una educación multicultural y plurilingüe2019/01/02English3
English language proficiency trajectories of Latino EL students in dual language programs2019/04/03English2
La estandarización del léxico de los candidatos a maestros bilingües2021/04/26English2
Situating Practice in Schools and Communities: Case Studies of Teacher Candidates in Diverse Clinical Experiences with English Language Learners2014/03/01English2
Assessing the Needs of Immigrant, Latino Families and Teachers in Rural Settings: Building Home-School Partnerships2015/03/01English2
Transnational Teacher Education: Towards Theory and Practice2013/03/01English2
Más allá de poly, multi, trans, pluri, bi: ¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos deltranslingüismo?2017/03/01English2
Enacting Advocacy-Oriented Visions of Bilingual Education: Lessons from Experienced Bilingual Educators2014/03/01English2
Addressing implications of culturally empowering pedagogical frameworks: The influence on language, literacy and learning for Mexican Americans and Native Hawaiians2019/09/30English2
Educación Bilingüe o Inmersión en Inglés: Análisis de la Prensa Escrita de Arizona2015/03/01English2
Latinx adults reflect on their journeys: Retrospective insights into secondary bilingual education and beyond2022/01/02English1
Can gesture help English language learners understand the equal sign?2022/07/03English1