Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Sources and Significance of Alkane and PAH Hydrocarbons in Canadian Arctic Rivers2002/07/01English178
Organic complexation and its control of the dissolved concentrations of copper and zinc in the Scheldt estuary1987/06/01English175
Macrobenthic community structure of soft-bottom sediments at the Belgian Continental Shelf2004/04/01English175
Differences Among Fish Assemblages Associated with Nearshore Posidonia oceanica Seagrass Beds, Rocky–algal Reefs and Unvegetated Sand Habitats in the Adriatic Sea2000/04/01English175
Ecophysiology of Trace Metal Uptake in Crustaceans1997/02/01English172
Dispersal, Genetic Differentiation and Speciation in Estuarine Organisms2002/12/01English172
Allochthonous and autochthonous contributions to carbon accumulation and carbon store in southeastern Australian coastal wetlands2013/08/01English171
Tracing organic matter sources and carbon burial in mangrove sediments over the past 160 years2004/10/01English169
Salt marsh persistence is threatened by predicted sea-level rise2016/11/01English169
Microplastic pollution in commercial salt for human consumption: A review2019/04/01English166
Recent changes in the marine ecosystems of the northern Adriatic Sea2012/12/01English166
Calculating age and residence time in the tidal York River using three-dimensional model experiments2004/11/01English166
Nitrous oxide and methane in European coastal waters2006/11/01English166
Benthic foraminifera for heavy metal pollution monitoring: A case study from the central Adriatic Sea coast of Italy2008/01/01English164
Contrasting Effects of Two Burrowing Crabs (Chasmagnathus granulata and Uca uruguayensis) on Sediment Composition and Transport in Estuarine Environments2000/08/01English162
Medium-term Changes in Suspended Sediment Delivery to the Ocean: Consequences of Catchment Heterogeneity and River Management (Rhône River, France)2002/01/01English160
Mangrove Rehabilitation and Intertidal Biodiversity: a Study in the Ranong Mangrove Ecosystem, Thailand2002/09/01English160
The impact of sediment burial and erosion on seagrasses: A review2008/09/01English159
Microplastics in sediments from the littoral zone of the north Tunisian coast (Mediterranean Sea)2018/05/01English159
Responses of estuarine salinity and transport processes to potential future sea-level rise in the Chesapeake Bay2012/06/01English157
Seasonal variability of stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of organisms in a North Pacific Bay1990/03/01English157
Influence of Wind on Dynamics and Flushing of Shallow Estuaries1997/06/01English156
Single and combined effects of microplastics and copper on the population growth of the marine microalgae Tetraselmis chuii2015/12/01English155
Porewater Distribution and Benthic Flux Measurements of Mercury and Methylmercury in the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic Sea)1999/04/01English155
Impact of climate change on UK estuaries: A review of past trends and potential projections2016/02/01English155
Hurricane Katrina storm surge distribution and field observations on the Mississippi Barrier Islands2007/08/01English155
Sediment transport off the Huanghe (Yellow River) delta and in the adjacent Bohai Sea in winter and seasonal comparison2011/07/01English155
Occurrence of tropical fishes in temperate southeastern Australia: Role of the East Australian Current2007/03/01English154
The effect of standing biomass on flow velocity and turbulence in Spartina alterniflora canopies2006/09/01English154
Storm wave induced mortality of giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, in Southern California1989/03/01English154