Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Mangrove's species are weak isoprenoid emitters2023/04/01English
Unusual composition and vertical zonation patterns amongst the biota of pebble and cobble shores2023/03/01English
Effects of cockle density and environmental background in the structure of free-living and parasitic communities2023/04/01English
Spatiotemporal variability of dissolved oxygen in response to morphological state in a central California coast bar-built estuary2023/03/01English
Features of phytoplankton changes in the Sevastopol and Karadag coastal areas (the Black Sea) in spring2024/04/01English
Hydrodynamics and wave transmission through a hollow triangle breakwaterEnglish
Storm events alter marine snow fluxes in stratified marine environmentsEnglish
Meagre (Argyrosomus regius) move westward with favourable flows along the south coast of PortugalEnglish
Review of the development of the green tide and the process of control in the southern Yellow Sea in 2022English
A numerical study of rectification driven by a tidal jetEnglish
Relationship between hydro-environmental variables and Coilia nasus catch in a highly turbid macrotidal estuary in Japan2024/04/01English
Predation effects on benthic communities are maximized by greater taxonomic richness and diversity in Subtropical SW AtlanticEnglish
Landscape changes in a critical subtropical coastal wetland in northwestern Mexico: Is shrimp farming a driver of concern?English
Editorial BoardEnglish
Diatom record the holocene marine facies deposition history in inner bay of Pearl River Estuary, South ChinaEnglish
Thermohaline and current variability off the west Yucatan peninsula coast2024/04/01English
Responses of hydrodynamic circulation to the climatic change of wind forcing in a subtropical estuary2024/04/01English
Particle exchange between coast and fjords and its biological implications2024/04/01English
Release capacity of Portunus trituberculatus enhancement in coastal waters: A case study in the marine ranching area of Haizhou bay2024/04/01English
Hydro-morphological features and functional structure of fish assemblages mediate species isotopic niches in estuaries2024/04/01English
Trophic position and prey preferences of snappers (Teleostei: Lutjanidae) in a connected bay-to-reef Caribbean system2024/04/01English
Editorial Board2023/10/01English
Influence of land-terminating glacier on primary production in the high Arctic fjord (Blagopoluchiya Bay, Novaya Zemlya archipelago, Kara Sea)2023/10/01English
Small-scale topographic fronts along an exposed coast structure plankton communities2023/10/01English
UAV-based seagrass wrack orthophotos classification for estimating blue carbon2023/10/01English
Suitability of saltmarsh creeks as release locations for stocked Mulloway (Argyrosomus japonicus)2023/10/01English
Variability and controls of the ocean acidification metrics pH and pCO2 in a large embayment of an Eastern Boundary Upwelling System (EBUS)2023/10/01English
Microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA based evidence reveals a single horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) population on the northern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico2023/10/01English
Ecophenotypic variation or genetic differentiation? Ambiguity of morphological and molecular relationships presents uncertainty in host-specific plasticity of Chelonibia barnacles2023/10/01English
Simulated climate change impacts on striped bass, blue crab and Eastern oyster in oyster sanctuary habitats of Chesapeake Bay2023/10/01English