Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Correction for particulate organic matter as estimated by loss on ignition in estuarine ecosystems2003/09/01English
Carbon cycling in a continental margin sediment: contrasts between organic matter characteristics and remineralization rates and pathways2003/09/01English
Controls on suspended aggregate size in partially mixed estuaries2003/10/01English
Grain size and compositional trends of sediments from Posidonia oceanica meadows to beach shore, Sardinia, western Mediterranean2003/10/01English
A model for amphipod (Talitrus saltator) population dynamics2003/10/01English
Meiofauna distribution along a gradient of sandy beaches in northern Spain2003/10/01English
Comparative diversity analysis in sandy littoral ecosystems of the western Mediterranean2003/10/01English
Feeding habits and trophic organization of the fish community in shallow waters of an impacted tropical habitat2003/09/01English
The relative accuracy of standard estimators for macrofaunal abundance and species richness derived from selected intertidal transect designs used to sample exposed sandy beaches2003/10/01English
Spatial and temporal variabilities of pelagic fish community structure and distribution in Chesapeake Bay, USA2003/10/01English
Use of multiple regression models in the study of sandhopper orientation under natural conditions2003/10/01English
Multicycle sediments on the continental shelf of Cadiz (SW Spain)2003/07/01English
Seston dynamics in a tidal inlet with shellfish aquaculture: a model study using tracer equations2003/06/01English
Can the shell of the green-lipped mussel Perna viridis from the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia be a potential biomonitoring material for Cd, Pb and Zn?2003/07/01English
Heavy metal distribution and early-diagenesis in salt marsh sediments from the Medway Estuary, Kent, UK2003/05/01English
A mathematically transparent low-pass filter for tidal estuaries2003/07/01English
Suspended sediment concentrations in the Tamar estuary2003/07/01English
Modelling eutrophication in mesotidal and macrotidal estuaries. The role of intertidal seaweeds2003/07/01English
Contents volume2003/08/01English
Biochemical characteristics of settling particulate organic matter at two north-western Mediterranean sites: a seasonal comparison2003/11/01English
Settlement, first-year growth, and mortality of surfclams, Spisula solidissima2003/03/01English
The ecofunctional quality index (EQI): a new tool for assessing lagoonal ecosystem impairment2003/03/01English
The influence of catchment management on salinity, nutrient stochiometry and phytoplankton biomass of Eastern Cape estuaries, South Africa2003/03/01English
Feeding of Acartia clausi and Pseudodiaptomus hessei (Copepoda: Calanoida) on natural particles in a tropical lagoon (Ebrié, Côte d'Ivoire)2003/03/01English
Better integration of environmental and fisheries science for management advice2003/03/01English
Macrobenthic zonation patterns along a morphodynamical continuum of macrotidal, low tide bar/rip and ultra-dissipative sandy beaches2003/03/01English
Nutrient land–sea fluxes in oligothrophic and pristine estuaries of the Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea2003/03/01English
Seasonal patterns in the fish and epibenthic crustaceans community of an intertidal zone with particular reference to the population dynamics of plaice and brown shrimp2003/03/01English
Structure of the population and secondary production of Hediste diversicolor (O.F. Müller, 1776), (Polychaeta, Nereidae) in the Loire estuary, Atlantic Coast, France2003/03/01English
Tidal and diel periodicities of size-fractionated phytoplankton pigment signatures at an offshore station in the southeastern English Channel2003/03/01English