Tunisian Journal of Mathematics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Twisted Calabi–Yau ring spectra, string topology, and gauge symmetry2020/01/01English
Welcome to the Tunisian Journal of Mathematics2019/01/01English
Statistics of K-groups modulo p for the ring of integers of a varying quadratic number field2020/01/01English
Tame multiplicity and conductor for local Galois representations2020/01/01English
A generalization of a power-conjugacy problem in torsion-free negatively curved groups2020/01/01English
A simple proof of the Hardy inequality on Carnot groups and for some hypoelliptic families of vector fields2020/01/01English
Almost ℂp Galois representations and vector bundles2020/01/01English
The Markov sequence problem for the Jacobi polynomials and on the simplex2020/01/01English
Analytic continuation of multiple polylogarithms in positive characteristic2022/11/09English
Albanese kernels and Griffiths groups2021/05/13English
Lifting Chern classes by means of Ekedahl–Oort strata2021/05/13English
Microlocal partition of energy for linear wave or Schrödinger equations2022/08/24English
Quasi-2-Segal sets2023/06/04English
Nerves and cones of free loop-free ω-categories2023/06/04English
The mod-p Riemann–Hilbert correspondence and the perfect site2023/06/04English
Harmonic metrics of generically regular semisimple Higgs bundles on noncompact Riemann surfaces2023/11/21English
The C2-effective spectral sequence for C2-equivariant connective real K-theory2023/11/21English
On Calogero–Moser cellular characters for imprimitive complex reflection groups2023/11/21English
On Poisson transforms for spinors2023/11/21English
A paradifferential approach for hyperbolic dynamical systems and applications2022/12/31English
The monodromy pairing for logarithmic 1-motifs2022/12/31English
Estimations polynomiales pour les problèmes de transmission sur des domaines à bords plats2022/12/31English