Evolutionary game theory: Temporal and spatial effects beyond replicator dynamics | 2009/12/01 | English | 566 |
Models of stochastic gene expression | 2005/06/01 | English | 503 |
Ant colony optimization: Introduction and recent trends | 2005/12/01 | English | 463 |
Nanopores: A journey towards DNA sequencing | 2012/06/01 | English | 446 |
Universal scaling for the dilemma strength in evolutionary games | 2015/09/01 | English | 407 |
Consciousness in the universe | 2014/03/01 | English | 364 |
Coupled disease–behavior dynamics on complex networks: A review | 2015/12/01 | English | 340 |
From everyday emotions to aesthetic emotions: Towards a unified theory of musical emotions | 2013/09/01 | English | 317 |
Chimera states in neuronal networks: A review | 2019/03/01 | English | 310 |
Lévy flights and superdiffusion in the context of biological encounters and random searches | 2008/09/01 | English | 295 |
Network science of biological systems at different scales: A review | 2018/03/01 | English | 269 |
Emotion and autobiographical memory | 2010/03/01 | English | 244 |
Physics of transport and traffic phenomena in biology: from molecular motors and cells to organisms | 2005/12/01 | English | 242 |
Mathematical models to characterize early epidemic growth: A review | 2016/09/01 | English | 229 |
Understanding brain networks and brain organization | 2014/09/01 | English | 228 |
The constructal law and the evolution of design in nature | 2011/10/01 | English | 222 |
The functional neuroanatomy of language | 2009/09/01 | English | 214 |
Formamide and the origin of life | 2012/03/01 | English | 205 |
Statistical physics of crime: A review | 2015/03/01 | English | 200 |
Pattern transitions in spatial epidemics: Mechanisms and emergent properties | 2016/12/01 | English | 191 |
Answering Schrödinger's question: A free-energy formulation | 2018/03/01 | English | 186 |
Reaction–diffusion waves in biology | 2009/12/01 | English | 171 |
Disrupted cortical connectivity theory as an explanatory model for autism spectrum disorders | 2011/12/01 | English | 163 |
Move me, astonish me… delight my eyes and brain: The Vienna Integrated Model of top-down and bottom-up processes in Art Perception (VIMAP) and corresponding affective, evaluative, and neurophysiological correlates | 2017/07/01 | English | 155 |
Self-organized structures in a superorganism: do ants “behave” like molecules? | 2006/09/01 | English | 155 |
Biophysical characterization of DNA binding from single molecule force measurements | 2010/09/01 | English | 136 |
Dependency distance: A new perspective on syntactic patterns in natural languages | 2017/07/01 | English | 135 |
Approaching human language with complex networks | 2014/12/01 | English | 132 |
Information theory in molecular biology | 2004/04/01 | English | 129 |
Hand synergies: Integration of robotics and neuroscience for understanding the control of biological and artificial hands | 2016/07/01 | English | 128 |