Toward a physical basis of attention and self-regulation☆ | 2009/06/01 | English | 128 |
Evolutionary game theory using agent-based methods | 2016/12/01 | English | 125 |
Toward a computational framework for cognitive biology: Unifying approaches from cognitive neuroscience and comparative cognition | 2014/09/01 | English | 123 |
Reverse-engineering transcription control networks | 2005/03/01 | English | 122 |
Natural world physical, brain operational, and mind phenomenal space–time | 2010/06/01 | English | 120 |
Liberating Lévy walk research from the shackles of optimal foraging | 2015/09/01 | English | 119 |
Nonlinear brain dynamics as macroscopic manifestation of underlying many-body field dynamics | 2006/06/01 | English | 115 |
Modeling the cultural evolution of language | 2011/12/01 | English | 115 |
Long transients in ecology: Theory and applications | 2020/03/01 | English | 113 |
Action semantics: A unifying conceptual framework for the selective use of multimodal and modality-specific object knowledge | 2014/06/01 | English | 113 |
Crossmodal influences on visual perception | 2010/09/01 | English | 110 |
Words as social tools: Language, sociality and inner grounding in abstract concepts | 2019/07/01 | English | 109 |
The quartet theory of human emotions: An integrative and neurofunctional model | 2015/06/01 | English | 108 |
From the mathematical kinetic, and stochastic game theory to modelling mutations, onset, progression and immune competition of cancer cells | 2008/12/01 | English | 108 |
Creative thought as blind-variation and selective-retention: Combinatorial models of exceptional creativity | 2010/06/01 | English | 108 |
Fundamentals of natural computing: an overview | 2007/03/01 | English | 107 |
Is temporo-spatial dynamics the “common currency” of brain and mind? In Quest of “Spatiotemporal Neuroscience” | 2020/07/01 | English | 107 |
Toward physics of the mind: Concepts, emotions, consciousness, and symbols | 2006/03/01 | English | 105 |
Music, empathy and cultural understanding | 2015/12/01 | English | 103 |
Physics of metabolic organization | 2017/03/01 | English | 103 |
Emotional voices in context: A neurobiological model of multimodal affective information processing | 2011/12/01 | English | 99 |
Climate change governance, cooperation and self-organization | 2014/12/01 | English | 96 |
Crowd-structure interaction in lively footbridges under synchronous lateral excitation: A literature review | 2009/09/01 | English | 95 |
Perceptual learning and human expertise | 2009/06/01 | English | 90 |
Life, hierarchy, and the thermodynamic machinery of planet Earth | 2010/12/01 | English | 89 |
Laws in Darwinian evolutionary theory | 2005/06/01 | English | 83 |
Origin and evolution of metabolic pathways | 2009/03/01 | English | 82 |
The embodiment of assistive devices—from wheelchair to exoskeleton | 2016/03/01 | English | 81 |
Human behaviours in evacuation crowd dynamics: From modelling to “big data” toward crisis management | 2016/09/01 | English | 81 |
Collective learning modeling based on the kinetic theory of active particles | 2016/03/01 | English | 79 |