Journal of Roman Archaeology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
RPC IX: the provincial coinage of Trajan Decius, Trebonianus Gallus, Aemilian and Uranius - ANTONY HOSTEIN, JEROME MAIRAT, commenced by E. LEVANTE, ROMAN PROVINCIAL COINAGE vol. 9. FROM TRAJAN DECIUS TO URANIUS ANTONINUS (AD 249-254) (The British Museum, London / Bibliothèque national de France, Paris 2016). Part 1: Introduction and catalogue, pp. xv + 410; Part 2: Indexes, maps and plates, pp. 411-437. Tables 8, pls. 155. ISBN 978-2-7177-2710-4/978-0-7141-1829-1. £160.2019/01/01English1
The gold bust (imago) of Septimius Severus from Didymoteicho (Plotinopolis)2019/01/01English1
The “Plague of Cyprian”: A revised view of the origin and spread of a 3rd-c. CE pandemic2021/06/01English1
Petra Great Temple, Brown University excavations: Third and final volume - M. S. Joukowsky, ed. 2017. Petra Great Temple: Vol. 3. Brown University Excavations 1993–2008, Architecture and Material Culture. Oxford: Oxbow. Pp. 598, numerous black-and-white figs. ISBN 978-1-78570-612-7.2021/07/30English1
Design, function and use-wear in spoons: reconstructing everyday Roman social practice2014/01/01English1
The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea and the world of the Indian Ocean - M.-FR. BOUSSAC , J.-FR. SALLES et J.-B. YON (textes édités par), AUTOUR DU PÉRIPLE DE LA MER ÉRYTHRÉE (Topoi. Orient-Occident Supplément 11, Lyon 2012). Pp. 380, figs. 73, tables 2. ISSN 1161-9473.2014/01/01English1
Regional pottery production in Roman Spain - DARÍO BERNAL CASASOLA and ALBERT RIBERA I LACOMBA (eds. científicos), CERÁMICAS HISPANORROMANAS II: PRODUCCIONES REGIONALES (Monografías Historia y Arte; Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Cádiz 2012). Pp. 743, figs. ISBN 978-84-9828-364-8.2014/01/01English1
A systematic method for estimating the populations of Greek and Roman settlements2017/01/01English1
Pandemics and passages to late antiquity: rethinking the plague of c.249–270 described by Cyprian2015/01/01English1
Coinage and circulation in Byzantine Palestine - GABRIELA BIJOVSKY, GOLD COIN AND SMALL CHANGE: MONETARY CIRCULATION IN FIFTH–SEVENTH CENTURY BYZANTINE PALESTINE (Edizioni Università di Trieste and Israel Numismatic Society; Polymnia: Numismatica antica e medievale. Studi 2, Trieste 2013). Pp. xv + 553, figs. 184, Tables 77, maps 11. ISBN 978-88-8303-477-0. EUR. 38.2015/01/01English1
Oriental gods on the Caelian Hill - PAOLA PALAZZO e CARLO PAVOLINI (a cura di), GLI DÈI PROPIZI. LA BASILICA HILARIANA NEL CONTESTO DELLO SCAVO DELL'OSPEDALE MILITARE CELIO (1987-2000) (Quasar, Rome 2013). Pp. 532, figs. 445. ISBN 978-88-7140-528-5. EUR. 90.2015/01/01English1
Surveying the Wadi ‘Araba near Aqaba - S. THOMAS PARKER and ANDREW M. SMITHII , with contributions by C. Burns, M. Cochrane, D. F. Graf, D. O. Henry, T. M. Niemi, J. D. Rucker, and T. Taverna, THE ROMAN AQABA PROJECT. FINAL REPORT. Volume 1 – THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENT AND THE REGIONAL SURVEY (American Schools of Oriental Research Archaeological Reports no. 19; Boston, MA 2014). Pp. xi + 384, figs. 114, Tables. ISBN 978-0-89757-042-8. $89.95.2015/01/01English1
Amphores du Ve au VIIe s. à Marseille: nouvelles données sur la typologie et le contenu1995/01/01English1
Amphoras in Egypt, 7th c. B.C-12th c. A.D. - SYLVIE MARCHAND et ANTIGONE MARANGOU (édité par), AMPHORES D’ÉGYPTE DE LA BASSE ÉPOQUE À L’ÉPOQUE ARABE (Cahiers de la céramique égyptienne 8; Institut français d’archéologie orientale, Le Caire2007). 2 vols., pp. 783, many figs., maps and tables. ISBN 978-2-7247-0457-0 (set); ISSN 0259-7381. EUR. 108.2011/01/01English1
Axial peristyle houses in the western empire1999/01/01English1
The life of the kitchen gods: Lares and lararia in Pompeii - FEDERICA GIACOBELLO, LARARI POMPEIANI: ICONOGRAFIA E CULTO DEI LARI IN AMBITO DOMESTICO (II Filarete, Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di lettere e filosofía dell’Università degli Studi di Milano; Lettere Economía Diritto, Milano2008). Pp. 294, many figs., 20 in color. ISBN 978-88-7916-374-3. EUR. 28.2011/01/01English1
Indicators for Roman economic growth: a response to Walter Scheidel2009/01/01English1
The Roman frontier in Arabia (Jordanian sector) - S. THOMAS PARKER , ROMANS AND SARACENS. A HISTORY OF THE ARABIAN FRONTIER (American Schools of Oriental Research, Dissertation Series 6, Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, Indiana 1986). Pp. xiii + 247, 12 plates, 74 line drawings. ISBN 0-89757-106-1. $25.00 (paper). - S. THOMAS PARKER (Ed.), THE ROMAN FRONTIER IN CENTRAL JORDAN. INTERIM REPORT ON THE LIMES ARABICUS PROJECT 1980-1985 (British Archaeological Reports, International Series 340, Oxford 1987). Pp. x + 821 (2 vols.), 109 plates, 150 line drawings. ISBN 0-86054-438-9. £50 (paper).1992/01/01English1
Roman ley-farming2000/01/01English1
Marques sur lampes et localisation des ateliers - JACQUELINE BONNET , LAMPES CÉRAMIQUES SIGNÉES. DÉFINITION CRITIQUE D'ATELIERS DU HAUT EMPIRE (Documents d'archéologie française n° 13, Paris 1988). 224 pages, 65 figures, 17 tableaux. ISBN 2-7351-0248-3. 215 FF.1990/01/01English1
L'aristocratie municipale dans les provinces rhénanes et danubiennes à l'époque du Haut-Empire - LESZEK MROZEWICZ , ARYSTOKRACJA MUNICYPALNA W RZYMSKICH PROWINCJACH NAD RENEM I DUNÁJEM W OKRESIE WCZESNEGO CESARSTWA (Municipal aristocracy in Roman provinces on the Rhine and the Danube in the period of the early empire [1st 3rd centuries]) (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Seria Historia nr. 151, Poznan 1989). 322 pages. ISBN 83-232-0162-5.1991/01/01English1
Evidence for bone and ivory working from the Palatine - ARCHER ST. CLAIR, CARVING AS CRAFT. PALATINE EAST AND THE GRECO-ROMAN BONE AND IVORY CARVING TRADITION (Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 2003). Pp. xii + 228, pls. 58, ills. 15. ISBN 0-8018-7261-8. $89.95.2005/01/01English1
Saxa Treverorum - WOLFGANG BINSFELD , KARIN GOETHERT-POLASCHEK UND LOTHAR SCHWINDEN , KATALOG DER RÖMISCHEN STEINDENKMÄLER DES RHEINISCHEN LANDESMUSEUMS TRIER. I. GÖTTER UND WEIHEDENKMÄLER (Trierer Grabungen und Forschungen 12,1; Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani Deutschland 4,3: Gallia Belgica. Trier und Trierer Land; Mainz, Zabern Verlag 1988). xxv + 262 S. mit 11 Abb. im Text, 2 Fundkarten, 125 Taf. mit 537 Abb. DM 198.-1990/01/01English1
Die Acta fratrum Arvalium - JOHN SCHEID avec la collaboration de PAOLA TASSINI et JÖRG RÜPKE, RECHERCHES ARCHÉOLOGIQUES À LA MAGLIANA. COMMENTARII FRATRUM ARVALIUM QUI SUPERSUNT. LES COPIES ÉPIGRAPHIQUES DES PROTOCOLLES ANNUELS DE LA CONFRÉRIE ARVALE (21 av. J.-C.-304 ap. J.-C.) (École française de Rome, Soprintendenza archeologica di Roma, Rome 1998). S. xxxi + 428.195 Abb. im Anhang.2000/01/01English1
Returning auxiliary veterans: some methodological considerations2006/01/01English1
Ostraca from the Egyptian stone quarries - JEAN BINGEN, ADAM BÜLOW-JACOBSEN, WALTER E. H. COCKLE, HÉLÈNE CUVIGNY, FRANÇOIS KAYSER, WILFRIED VAN RENGEN, MONS CLAUDIANUS. OSTRACA GRAECA ET LATINA II (Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, Documents de Fouilles de l'IFAO 32, Cairo 1997). Pp. 312, 62 plates. ISBN 2-7247-0198-4.2000/01/01English1
The Iguvine Tables, Umbrian civilisation, and Indo-European studies - AUGUSTO ANCILLOTTI and ROMOLO CERRI, LE TAVOLE DI GUBBIO E LA CIVILTÀ DEGLI UMBRI (Percorsi, collana di divulgazione glottologica; Edizioni Jama, Perugia 1996). Pp. 464. Lit. 70.000. - AUGUSTO ANCILLOTTI and ROMOLO CERRI, THE TABLES OF IGUVIUM. COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHS, FACSIMILES, TRANSLITERATED TEXT, TRANSLATION AND COMMENT (Edizioni Jama, Perugia 1997). Pp. 126. figs. including colour. Lit. 15.000. [“This book is the English translation of an Italian paperback entitled “Le tavole iguvine”, which is in turn the abridgement of the larger book “Le tavole di Gubbio e la civiltà degli Umbri.”]1998/01/01English1
Rescuing Durres (Dyrrachium) - MAURIZIO BUORA e SARA SANTORO (a cura di), PROGETTO DURRËS. L'INDAGINE SUI BENI CULTURALI ALBANESI DELL'ANTICHITÀ E DEL MEDIOEVO: TRADIZIONI DI STUDIO A CONFRONTO (Atti del Primo Incontro Scientifico Parma-Udine, 19-20 aprile 2002; Editreg SRL, via Ugo Foscolo 26, Trieste 2003 = Antichità Altoadriatiche LIII). Pp. 375, 107 black and white ills., 15 tavv. a colori fuori testo. ISBN 88-88018-12-3. Euro 26.2005/01/01English1
Ampullae vitreae - GIANDOMENICO DE TOMMASO, AMPULLAE VITREAE. CONTENITORl IN VETRO DI UNGUENTI E SOSTANZE AROMATICHE DELL'ITALIA ROMANA (I sec. A.C. - III sec. D.C.) (Giorgio Bretschneider Editore, Roma1990). Pp. 133, many figs. ISBN 88-7689-055-6. Lit.250.000.1993/01/01English1
The Oboda potter's workshop reconsidered2008/01/01English1