Journal of Roman Archaeology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Monumental villas and villa monuments1997/01/01English1
Integrating public and private - ANNAPAOLA ZACCARIA RUGGIU, SPAZIO PRIVATO E SPAZIO PUBBLICO NELLA CITTÀ ROMANA (Collection de l'École Française de Rome 210, Rome 1995). Pp. ix + 607, 136 figs., 16 pls. ISBN 2-7283-0349-5, ISSN 0223-5099.1999/01/01English1
Roman surgical spoon-probes and their ancient names (μήλη, μηλωτίς/μηλωτρίς, specillum)2003/01/01English1
The material finds of Caesarea Maritima - JOSEPH PATRICH, with contributions by MAYADA ABU SHANEH, YAEL ISRAELI, BARBARA L. JOHNSON, SHARI PINKAS, TAMAR SHADMI, VARDA SUSSMAN and KATE RAFAEL, ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXCAVATIONS AT CAESAREA MARITIMA, AREAS CC, KK AND NN. FINAL REPORTS. Volume I. THE OBJECTS (Israel Exploration Society, Jerusalem 2008). Pp. 480, many ills. ISBN 978-965-221-070-8. $72.2012/01/01English1
The frontiers of the Roman empire: some recent work - STUDIEN ZU DEN MILITÄRGRENZEN ROMS III. (Vorträge des 13. Internationalen Limeskongresses, Aalen 1983) (Stuttgart 1986). 816pp., 637 figs. and pls. ISBN 3-8062-0776-3: ISSN 0724-4347.1989/01/01English1
Rome and India - VIMALA BEGLEY AND RICHARD D. DE PUMA (Edd.), ROME AND INDIA. THE ANCIENT SEA TRADE (University of Wisconsin Press, Madison 1991). Pp. 226, ills. ISBN 0-299-12640-4.1994/01/01English1
Villas, wine and kilns: the landscape of Jerba in the late Hellenistic period2001/01/01English1
Food as embodied material culture: diversity and change in plant food consumption in Roman Britain2008/01/01English1
Roman birth rites of passage revisited2009/01/01English1
The Antonine plague in Rome and Ostia2003/01/01English1
Military architecture in the Gauls - MICHEL REDDÉ (sous la direction de), RAYMOND BRULET, RUDOLF FELLMANN, JANKEES HAALEBOS, SIEGMAR VON SCHNURBEIN, L'ARCHITECTURE DE LA GAULE ROMAINE. LES FORTIFICATIONS MILITAIRES (Documents d'Archéologie française 100; Editions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme/Ausonius éditions, Paris-Bordeaux2006). Pp. 480, figs. 502 dont 8 en couleur. ISBN 2-7351-1119-9. EUR. 48.2007/01/01English1
Emerald mining in Roman and Byzantine Egypt1999/01/01English1
A guide to Greco-Roman Hawara in the Fayum and its death industry - INGE UYTTERHOEVEN, with an appendix on the pottery by SYLVIE MARCHAND, HAWARA IN THE GRAECO-ROMAN PERIOD. LIFE AND DEATH IN A FAYUM VILLAGE (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 174; Peeters, Leuven2009). Pp. xvii + 934, figs. 147, ills. 285 including colour. ISBN 978-90-429-2033-0. EUR. 105.2011/01/01English1
The fabrics of Roman pottery found in Britain - ROBERTA TOMBER and JOHN DORE, THE NATIONAL ROMAN FABRIC REFERENCE COLLECTION. A HANDBOOK (Museum of London Archaeology Service, London 1998). Pp. vi + 247, 179 colour plates. ISBN 1 901992 01 2.2001/01/01English1
The meaning of dates on mummy labels: seasonal mortality and mortuary practice in Roman Egypt1998/01/01English1
Rome's marble yards2001/01/01English1
The villa of Torre de Palma (Alto Alentejo)1996/01/01English1
Les lampes en bronze du British Museum - DONALD M. BAILEY, A CATALOGUE OF THE LAMPS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. IV. LAMPS OF METAL AND STONE, AND LAMPSTANDS (British Museum Press, London 1996). Pp. xiii + 192, 192 black and white plates. ISBN 0 71141 2206 8. £70.1997/01/01English1
Outposts of empire: Vindolanda, Egypt, and the empire of Rome2006/01/01English1
Production centres of African Red Slip ware (2nd-3rd c.) in northern and central Tunisia: archaeological provenance and reference groups based on chemical analysis2006/01/01English1
‘Where high Moneta leads her steps sublime’. The ‘Tabularium’ and the Temple of Juno Moneta2005/01/01English1
Being Roman: expressing identity in a provincial setting2004/01/01English1
The legions in the Principate: updating Ritterling - Yann Le Bohec and Catherine Wolff (edd.), LES LÉGIONS DE ROME SOUS LE HAUT-EMPIRE. ACTES DU CONGRÈS DE LYON (17-19 SEPTEMBER 1998) (De Boccard, Paris 2000). 2 vols., pp. 754. ISBN 2-904974-19-9. FF 590.2002/01/01English1
Amphorae and amphora stamps from the Laecanius workshop1995/01/01English1
Production centres of African red slip ware (3rd-7th c.) in northern and central Tunisia: archaeological provenance and reference groups based on chemical analysis2002/01/01English1
Haec aurea templa: the Palatine temple of Apollo and its polychromy2009/01/01English1
Marble workshops at Simitthus - MICHAEL MACKENSEN mit Beiträgen vonHANS ROLAND BALDUS, MILITÄRLAGER ODER MARMORWERKSTÄTTEN. NEUE UNTERSUCHUNGEN IM OSTBEREICH DES ARBEITS- UND STEINBRUCHLAGERS VON SIMMITHUS/CHEMTOU (Simmithus Band III, herausgegeben von Friedrich Rakob; Philipp von Zabem, Mainz2005). S. xv + 171 mit 73 Abbildungen. ISBN 3-8053-3461-3. EUR. 65.2008/01/01English1
A colloquium on the regional context of Zeugma - CATHERINE ABADIE-REYNAL et JEAN-BAPTISTE YON (edd.), ZEUGMA VI. LA SYRIE ROMAINE, PERMANENCES ET TRANSFERTS CULTURELS (Travaux de la Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée n° 68, Série “Recherches archéologiques” (Lyon 2015). Pp. 301, text figs. 134, pls. 16, maps 18, tables 3. ISSN 2259-4884; ISBN 978-2-35668-049-5.2017/01/01English1
Late Roman military architecture, with some questions about the eastern frontier - ROB COLLINS, MATTHEW SYMONDS, and MEIKE WEBER (edd.), ROMAN MILITARY ARCHITECTURE ON THE FRONTIERS: ARMIES AND THEIR ARCHITECTURE IN LATE ANTIQUITY (Oxbow Books, Oxford 2015). Pp. ix + 142, figs. 65, tables. ISBN 978-1-78297-990-6.2017/01/01English1
Roman peasant habitats and settlement in central Spain (1st c. B.C.–4th c. A.D.)2017/01/01English1