Algebraic Geometry

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Projective klt pairs with nef anti-canonical divisor2021/07/011
Bivariant algebraic cobordism with bundles2023/07/011
A Reider-type theorem for higher syzygies on abelian surfaces2019/09/011
Enriques surfaces with finite automorphism group in positive characteristic2019/09/011
On the (non-)vanishing of syzygies of Segre embeddings2019/09/011
Unipotent group actions on del Pezzo cones2014/01/011
Quasi-plurisubharmonic envelopes 2: Bounds on Monge–Ampère volumes2022/11/011
Deformation of rational singularities and Hodge structure2022/07/011
Equivariant categories of symplectic surfaces and fixed loci of Bridgeland moduli spaces2022/07/011
Mather classes and conormal spaces of Schubert varieties in cominuscule spaces2023/09/011
Curve counting in genus one: Elliptic singularities and relative geometry2021/11/011
Coarse base change fails for some modular curves2017/09/011
An explicit solution to the weak Schottky problem2021/05/011
Del Pezzo surfaces with infinite automorphism groups2021/05/011
Some implications between Grothendieck's anabelian conjectures2021/03/011
Automorphism groups of cubic fourfolds and K3 categories2021/03/011
Motivic integration on the Hitchin fibration2021/03/011
All-genus open-closed mirror symmetry for affine toric Calabi�Yau 3-orbifolds2020/03/011
Cohomological Hall algebra of Higgs sheaves on a curve2020/05/011
Euler-symmetric projective varieties2020/05/011
Cohomological invariants of hyperelliptic curves of even genus2017/09/011
Loop Hodge structures and harmonic bundles2017/11/011
$\operatorname{CH}_{0}$-trivialit� universelle d'hypersurfaces cubiques presque diagonales2017/11/011
Tensor generators on schemes and stacks2017/09/011
Singularities of metrics on Hodge bundles and their topological invariants2018/11/011
The tautological ring of $\mathcal{M}_{g,n}$ via Pandharipande�Pixton�Zvonkine $r$-spin relations2018/11/011
Global Prym–Torelli theorem for double coverings of elliptic curves2020/09/011
Arithmetic occult period maps2020/09/011
Projecting syzygies of curves2020/09/011
Modular sheaves on hyperkähler varieties2022/01/011