Algebraic Geometry

Title Publication Date Language Citations
An obstruction to lifting to characteristic 02023/05/011
Dynamical Mordell�Lang and automorphisms of blow-ups2019/01/011
Hypergeometric Hodge modules2020/05/011
Loop Hodge structures and harmonic bundles2017/11/01
$\operatorname{CH}_{0}$-trivialité universelle d'hypersurfaces cubiques presque diagonales2017/11/01
Scattering diagrams, Hall algebras and stability conditions2017/11/01
On hyperplane sections on K3 surfaces2017/11/01
On the local étale fundamental group of KLT threefold singularities \n (with an appendix by János Kollár)2023/11/01
On the rationality of Fano–Enriques threefolds2023/11/01
Factorization centers in dimension 2 and the Grothendieck ring of varieties2023/11/01
Néron blowups and low-degree cohomological applications2023/11/01
The diagonal of quartic fivefolds2023/11/01
Azumaya algebras with involution and classical semisimple group schemes2024/03/01
Prill's problem2024/03/01
On K-stability of Fano weighted hypersurfaces2024/03/01
Motivic integration over wild Deligne–Mumford stacks2024/03/01
Counting invariant curves: A theory of Gopakumar–Vafa invariants \n for Calabi–Yau threefolds with an involution2024/03/01
Basepoint-freeness thresholds and higher syzygies of abelian threefolds2022/11/01
Logarithmic Gromov–Witten theory with expansions2022/11/01
The Hrushovski–Lang–Weil estimates2022/11/01
Rational curves on lattice-polarised K3 surfaces2022/07/01
Smoothing semi-smooth stable Godeaux surfaces2022/07/01
Brauer groups for quiver moduli2017/09/01
Integral cohomology of the generalized Kummer fourfold2018/09/01
Derived intersections and the Hodge theorem2017/09/01
Fractional Calabi�Yau categories from Landau�Ginzburg models2018/09/01
Luna's fundamental lemma for diagonalizable groups2018/01/01
Coarse base change fails for some modular curves2017/09/01
Cohomological invariants of hyperelliptic curves of even genus2017/09/01
Higher discriminants and the topology of algebraic maps2018/01/01