Algebraic Geometry

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Scattering diagrams, Hall algebras and stability conditions2017/11/0123
Strata of $k$-differentials2019/03/017
On hyperplane sections on K3 surfaces2017/11/017
Tensor generators on schemes and stacks2017/09/015
Virtual resolutions for a product of projective spaces2020/07/014
Gushel-Mukai varieties: Classification and birationalities2018/01/014
A Chevalley formula for the equivariant quantum $K$-theory of cominuscule varieties2018/09/013
Curve counting on abelian surfaces and threefolds2018/07/013
Differentiability of non-archimedean volumes and non-archimedean Monge�Amp�re equations\n (with an appendix by Robert Lazarsfeld)2020/03/013
A very general quartic double fourfold is not stably rational2019/01/013
The integral Chow ring of ${\mkern2mu\overline{\mkern-2mu{{M}}}_2}$2021/05/012
Relative and orbifold Gromov�Witten invariants2017/09/012
Hall algebras in the derived category and higher-rank DT invariants2020/05/012
Derived categories and the genus of space curves2020/03/012
Homological mirror symmetry for Milnor fibers of simple singularities2021/09/012
Injectivity theorems with multiplier ideal sheaves for higher direct images under Kähler morphisms2022/03/012
Moduli of flags of sheaves and their K-theory2015/03/012
The tropical superpotential for $\mathbb{P}^2$2020/01/012
On the rationality of Kawamata log terminal singularities in positive characteristic2019/09/012
Modular embeddings and automorphic Higgs bundles2018/03/011
Families of $\mathbb{A}^1$-contractible affine threefolds2018/01/011
Deformations of log canonical and $F$-pure singularities2020/11/011
Grothendieck�Lefschetz for vector bundles2020/07/011
Bounds on Wahl singularities from symplectic topology2020/01/011
Satellites of spherical subgroups2020/01/011
The Mumford�Tate conjecture for products of abelian varieties2019/11/011
Deformation quantisation for $(-1)$-shifted symplectic structures and vanishing cycles2019/11/011
$\mathbb{P}$-functor versions of the Nakajima operators2019/11/011
Derived invariants arising from the Albanese map2019/11/011
Perverse filtrations, Hilbert schemes, and the $P=W$ Conjecture for parabolic Higgs bundles2021/07/011