Measurement Science and Technology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Two-dimensional digital image correlation for in-plane displacement and strain measurement: a review2009/04/271,961
Optical gas sensing: a review2012/11/28933
In-fibre Bragg grating sensors1997/04/01896
Fundamentals of digital particle image velocimetry1997/12/01895
Optical fibre long-period grating sensors: characteristics and application2003/03/26726
Image reconstruction algorithms for electrical capacitance tomography2002/12/11692
Digital recording and numerical reconstruction of holograms2002/08/07669
Tracer particles and seeding for particle image velocimetry1997/12/01590
Combining PIV, POD and vortex identification algorithms for the study of unsteady turbulent swirling flows2001/08/02559
Iterative image deformation methods in PIV2001/11/23519
Laser-induced breakdown and damage in bulk transparent materials induced by tightly focused femtosecond laser pulses2001/10/09494
Optimization of particle image velocimeters. I. Double pulsed systems1990/11/01483
Process defects andin situmonitoring methods in metal powder bed fusion: a review2017/02/15461
PIV uncertainty quantification from correlation statistics2015/06/05442
Digital image correlation for surface deformation measurement: historical developments, recent advances and future goals2018/06/28428
Structural health monitoring for a wind turbine system: a review of damage detection methods2008/10/13423
Distortion compensation for generalized stereoscopic particle image velocimetry1997/12/01420
Tomographic PIV: principles and practice2012/10/29386
Strategies for increasing the operating frequency range of vibration energy harvesters: a review2009/12/15363
Piezoelectric MEMS sensors: state-of-the-art and perspectives2009/07/24363
Performance of sub-pixel registration algorithms in digital image correlation2006/05/17359
Diode laser absorption sensors for gas-dynamic and combustion flows1998/04/01348
An image-reconstruction algorithm based on Landweber's iteration method for electrical-capacitance tomography1999/09/30337
Quantitation of magnetic resonance spectroscopy signals: the jMRUI software package2009/09/04328
A simple method, the -history method, of determining the heat of fusion, specific heat and thermal conductivity of phase-change materials1999/01/01326
A dielectric resonator for measurements of complex permittivity of low loss dielectric materials as a function of temperature1998/10/01315
Volume illumination for two-dimensional particle image velocimetry2000/05/24314
Rolling bearing fault diagnosis using an optimization deep belief network2015/09/25305
PIV uncertainty propagation2016/06/29298
Recent advances in displacement measuring interferometry1993/09/01298