Measurement Science and Technology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Refractive-index measurements in the near-IR using an Abbe refractometer1997/06/01297
Laser Rayleigh scattering2001/04/02294
Magnetic induction tomography2001/07/18292
A distributed optical fibre dynamic strain sensor based on phase-OTDR2013/07/05290
A Matlab toolkit for three-dimensional electrical impedance tomography: a contribution to the Electrical Impedance and Diffuse Optical Reconstruction Software project2002/11/04278
X-ray computed tomography for additive manufacturing: a review2016/06/08273
Solid state gas sensors1997/03/01257
The use of the PeakForceTMquantitative nanomechanical mapping AFM-based method for high-resolution Young's modulus measurement of polymers2011/10/24255
Electrode polarization in dielectric measurements: a review2013/08/27254
On errors of digital particle image velocimetry1997/12/01242
PIV-based pressure measurement2013/01/24230
Tilted short-period fibre-Bragg-grating-induced coupling to cladding modes for accurate refractometry2001/06/08229
Electrical resistance tomography for process applications1996/03/01227
Microfabricated phononic crystal devices and applications2008/11/13227
Optical halide sensing using fluorescence quenching: theory, simulations and applications - a review2001/08/02224
A new multi-position calibration method for MEMS inertial navigation systems2007/05/15223
Sensing with microstructured optical fibres2001/06/08222
Stereoscopic digital particle image velocimetry for application in wind tunnel flows1997/12/01221
Solar cell parameter extraction using genetic algorithms2001/10/09217
The simultaneous measurement of elastic, electrostatic and adhesive properties by scanning force microscopy: pulsed-force mode operation1997/11/01216
A review of recent developments in schlieren and shadowgraph techniques2017/02/15211
Complex permittivity of some ultralow loss dielectric crystals at cryogenic temperatures1999/01/01209
Densimeter calibration method versus temperature and pressure1992/08/01206
The D20 instrument at the ILL: a versatile high-intensity two-axis neutron diffractometer2008/01/30201
Progress in the development of semiconducting metal oxide gas sensors: a review2017/06/28196
Surface voltage and surface photovoltage: history, theory and applications2001/02/16196
Hypervelocity impact studies using the 2 MV Van de Graaff accelerator and two-stage light gas gun of the University of Kent at Canterbury1999/01/01196
A facility for gas- and condensed-phase measurements behind shock waves2005/07/25194
Dynamic ranges of velocity and spatial resolution of particle image velocimetry1997/12/01193
A method for determining the spring constant of cantilevers for atomic force microscopy1996/02/01191