Huntington Library Quarterly

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A Science Turned Upside down: Feminism and the Natural Philosophy of Margaret Cavendish1984/10/0129
"That Politics May Be Reduced to a Science": David Hume, James Madison, and the Tenth Federalist1957/08/0127
The Puritan Art of Love1942/01/0123
Stuart Absolutism and the 'Utility' of Tacitus1983/04/0117
Enthusiasm: The Antiself of Enlightenment1997/01/0115
The Influence of Edmund Plowden's Succession Treatise1974/05/0113
Rain Follows the Plow: The Notion of Increased Rainfall for the Great Plains, 1844-18801947/02/0112
To Know One's Own: Estate Surveying and the Representation of the Land in Early Modern England1993/10/0111
Propaganda against James I's "Appeasement" of Spain1943/02/0110
The Rise of an English Country Family: Peter and John Temple, to 16031938/07/0110
The Evolution of "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell"1995/01/0110
Broadside Ballads and Occupational Identity in Early Modern England2016/01/01English10
Was the English Civil War a War of Religion? The Evidence of Political Propaganda1998/01/019
English Political Sermons, 1603-16401939/10/019
James I and His Literary Assistants1944/11/019
A Defense of His Private Life by the Second Duke of Buckingham1981/07/019
William Perkins: Elizabethan Apostle of "Practical Divinity"1940/01/019
George Buchanan and the Sidney Circle1948/11/019
William Sprigg and the Cromwellian Revolution1971/02/018
Local Change and Community Control in England, 1465-15001986/07/018
Milton in the Revolution Settlement1946/02/018
Cornelis Drebbel and Salomon de Caus: Two Jacobean Models for Salomon's House1955/05/018
Henry Savile's Tacitus and the Politics of Roman History in Late Elizabethan England2011/12/01English8
Dr. Johnson on History1948/11/017
Suicide in Eighteenth-Century England: The Myth of a Reputation1960/02/017
Thomas Middleton and the Court, 1624: "A Game at Chess" in Context1984/10/017
Sir Thomas Egerton as Patron1948/02/017
Bacon's View of Rhetoric, Poetry, and the Imagination1957/02/017
Some Aspects of Shakespeare's "Holinshed"1987/07/017
A Subject Analysis of English Imprints for Every Tenth Year from 1480 to 16401938/07/017