Huntington Library Quarterly

Title Publication Date Language Citations
"An Ambiguous Monster": Representing Rebellion in Milton's Polemics and "Paradise Lost"1992/04/017
Milton on Comedy and Satire1972/02/017
“The Turkish Alcoran”: New Light on the 1649 English Translation of the Koran2012/12/01English7
Memoirs and Oblivion: Lucy Hutchinson and the Restoration2012/06/01English7
Sociability, Solitude, and Enthusiasm1997/01/016
Sweden and the Jacobites in 17161945/05/016
Mrs. Penelope Aubin and the Early Eighteenth-Century English Novel1957/05/016
Sir Richard Temple: The Debt Settlement and Estate Litigation, 1653-16751943/05/016
Wordsworth and Coleridge Marginalia in a Copy of Richard Payne Knight's "Analytical Inquiry into the Principles of Taste" [with Note]1937/10/016
The Salisbury Court Theater and Its Boy Players1977/02/016
The Background of Spenser's Attitude toward Women Rulers1941/10/016
Apocapolitics: Allusion and Structure in Shelley's "Mask of Anarchy"1991/04/016
Thomas Hoccleve and the Chaucer Portrait1991/10/016
The "History of the World" and Ralegh's Skepticism1940/04/016
Renaissance Concepts of Justice and the Structure of "The Faerie Queene," Book V1970/02/016
Hayward, Daniel, and the Beginnings of Politic History in England1987/01/016
Two Anticipations of Henley's "Invictus"1974/02/016
Forgotten Treasure from the Indies: The Illustrations and Drawings of Fernández de Oviedo1985/01/016
The Political Career of Sir Richard Temple (1634-1697) and Buckingham Politics1940/10/016
"To Be Your Daughter in Your Pen": The Social Functions of Literature in the Writings of Lady Elizabeth Brackley and Lady Jane Cavendish1988/10/016
The Philosopher and the "Schwärmer": On the Career of a German Epithet from Luther to Kant1997/01/016
Love and Death across an English Garden: Constable's Paintings of His Family's Flower and Kitchen Gardens1992/07/016
William Hogarth and the Aesthetics of Nationalism2001/01/016
Church Briefs in England and Wales from Elizabethan Times to 18282015/01/01English5
On Blakes We Want and Blakes We Don't1995/01/015
A Parliamentary Title to the Crown in Tudor England1962/02/015
An Autograph MS of Ranulph Higden's "Polychronicon"1959/11/015
Letters of William Henry Allen, 1800-1813: Part One, 1800-18061937/10/015
Blow the Trumpet, Sanctify the Fast1980/12/015
Battle Abbey at the Dissolution: Income1941/07/015