Physical Communication

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Static hybrid amplify and forward (AF) and decode and forward (DF) relaying for cooperative systems2011/09/01English11
Trusted node selection in clusters for underwater wireless acoustic sensor networks using fuzzy logic2021/08/01English11
Minority game for cognitive radios: Cooperating without cooperation2008/06/01English11
Mobile sink-based data collection in event-driven wireless sensor networks using a modified ant colony optimization2022/06/01English11
Performance analysis of overlay cognitive NOMA network with imperfect SIC and imperfect CSI2022/08/01English11
Joint power allocation and user association in non-orthogonal multiple access networks: An evolutionary approach2019/12/01English11
A bandwidth efficient selective mapping technique for the PAPR reduction in spatial multiplexing MIMO-OFDM wireless communication system2017/12/01English10
An alternating direction algorithm for hybrid precoding and combining in millimeter wave MIMO systems2019/06/01English10
Doppler-aided localization of mobile nodes in an underwater distributed antenna system2016/03/01English10
Channel estimation for massive MIMO with 2-D nested array deployment2017/12/01English10
Multi-channel sensing and resource allocation in energy constrained cognitive radio networks2017/06/01English10
Outage probability analysis in multi-user FSO/RF and UAV-enabled MIMO communication networks2021/12/01English10
URLLC resource slicing and scheduling for trustworthy 6G vehicular services: A federated reinforcement learning approach2021/12/01English10
Covert non-orthogonal multiple access communication assisted by multi-antenna jamming2022/06/01English10
A novel proactive handoff scheme with CR receiver based target channel selection for cognitive radio network2019/10/01English10
TOA positioning for uplink cooperative NOMA in 5G networks2019/10/01English10
Energy aware resource allocation and complexity reduction approach for cognitive radio networks using game theory2020/10/01English10
Radio-propagation measurements and modeling in indoor stairwells at millimeter-wave bands2020/02/01English10
Design protocol and performance analysis of indoor fingerprinting positioning systems2014/12/01English10
Measurement design for detecting sparse signals2012/06/01English10
Belief-propagation-based joint channel estimation and decoding for spectrally efficient communication over unknown sparse channels2012/06/01English10
A compressed sensing receiver for UWB impulse radio in bursty applications like wireless sensor networks2009/12/01English10
Identification of smart jammers: Learning-based approaches using wavelet preprocessing2020/04/01English10
Spectrum sensing technique of OFDM signal under noise uncertainty based on Mean Ambiguity Function for Cognitive Radio2019/04/01English10
A DC Biased Optical Generalised Frequency Division Multiplexing for IM/DD systems2019/04/01English10
Pilot tones design using Grey Wolf Optimizer for OFDM–IDMA system2017/12/01English10
Device-centric resource allocation scheme for 5G networks2018/02/01English10
A very tight approximate results of MRC receivers over independent Weibull fading channels2016/12/01English10
Throughput and energy efficiency maximization for UAV-assisted vehicular networks2020/10/01English10
Efficient equalisers for OFDM and DFrFT-OCDM multicarrier systems in mobile E-health video broadcasting with machine learning perspectives2020/10/01English10