Physical Communication

Title Publication Date Language Citations
D2D-enabled resource management in secrecy-ensured 5G and beyond Heterogeneous networks2021/04/01English13
Mobile relays for enhanced broadband connectivity in high speed train systems2014/09/01English12
Delay optimization and energy balancing algorithm for improving network lifetime in fixed wireless sensor networks2023/06/01English12
Performance analysis of PSK systems with phase error in fading channels: A survey2011/03/01English12
Cooperative diversity performance of selection relaying over correlated shadowing2011/09/01English12
Spectral and energy efficiency for uplink massive MIMO systems with mixed-ADC architecture2022/02/01English12
UWB LOS/NLOS identification in multiple indoor environments using deep learning methods2022/06/01English12
A multi-user service migration scheme based on deep reinforcement learning and SDN in mobile edge computing2021/08/01English12
An investigation of S-DF cooperative communication protocol over keyhole fading channel2018/08/01English12
A 3D human body blockage model for outdoor millimeter-wave cellular communication2017/12/01English12
3-D localization of wireless sensor nodes using near-field magnetic-induction communications2018/10/01English12
A novel energy-balanced routing algorithm in energy harvesting sensor networks2018/04/01English12
Identifying physical-layer attacks for IoT security: An automatic modulation classification approach using multi-module fusion neural network2020/12/01English12
Average SEP and channel capacity analysis over Generic/IG composite fading channels: A unified approach2019/06/01English12
Integrated wireless communications and wireless power transfer: An overview2017/12/01English12
Route selection for interference minimization to primary users in cognitive radio ad hoc networks: A cross layer approach2016/06/01English12
Physical layer security using beamforming techniques for 5G and beyond networks: A systematic review2022/10/01English11
COLREGS-based collision avoidance algorithm for unmanned surface vehicles using modified artificial potential fields2023/04/01English11
Joint trajectory and power optimization for UAV-relay-assisted Internet of Things in emergency2020/08/01English11
Cognitive radio network with secrecy and interference constraints2017/03/01English11
Interference mitigation for cognitive radio MIMO systems based on practical precoding2013/12/01English11
Multiuser scheduling on the LTE downlink with meta-heuristic approaches2013/12/01English11
Cooperative communication with imperfect channel information: Performance analysis and optimum power allocation2011/09/01English11
Optimal multisensor integrated navigation through information space approach2014/12/01English11
Low-complexity AoA-driven pilot assignment for multi-cell massive MIMO systems2020/10/01English11
Relay sharing with DF and AF techniques in NOMA assisted Cognitive Radio Networks2020/10/01English11
When distributed switch-and-stay combining meets buffer in IoT relaying networks2020/02/01English11
A simplified massive MIMO implemented with pre or post-processing2017/12/01English11
A family of sparse group Lasso RLS algorithms with adaptive regularization parameters for adaptive decision feedback equalizer in the underwater acoustic communication system2017/06/01English11
Joint optimal fair cooperative spectrum sensing and transmission in cognitive radio2017/12/01English11