Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Cock1913/01/019
The Archaeology of Palestine from the Neolithic through the Middle Bronze Age1971/04/019
Ottoman Diplomacy at Karlowitz1967/10/019
Egyptian Loan Words in the Old Testament1953/07/019
The World-Year of the Persians1963/08/019
Prophetic Traditions and Modern Medicine in the Middle East: Resurrection, Reinterpretation, and Reconstruction2012/01/019
Tattoo in Early China2000/07/019
Martyrdom and the Sikh Tradition1997/10/019
Maṇḍala and Practice in Nāgara Architecture in North India1979/04/019
Mountain Deities in China: The Domestication of the Mountain God and the Subjugation of the Margins1994/04/019
Contributions to the Semantic History of Saṃnyāsa1981/07/019
The Text-Critical Use of the Septuagint in Biblical Research1985/01/019
King Duryodhana: The Mahābhārata Discourse of Sinning and Virtue in Epic and Drama1992/04/019
The Development of Bathing Customs in Ancient and Medieval China and the History of the Floriate Clear Palace1956/04/019
Two Unrecognized Karrāmī Texts1988/10/019
A Confusion of Indias: Asian india and African India in the Byzantine Sources1993/04/019
The Development and Meaning of the Epic of Gilgamesh: An Interpretive Essay2001/10/019
The Excellences of the Quran: Textual Sacrality and the Organization of Early Islamic Society2002/01/019
"Russian Intrusion into the Guarded Domain": Reflections of a Qajar Statesman on European Expansion1993/01/019
The Dates in Ezekiel in Relation to Biblical, Babylonian and Egyptian Sources1970/07/019
The Black Magic in China Known as ku1935/03/019
Credit as a Means of Investment in Medieval Islamic Trade1967/07/019
The Glass Palace Chronicle of the Kings of Burma1923/01/019
Foreigners in the Ancient Near East2021/12/168
The Origins of Separation of the Sexes in China2003/07/018
A Brief History of Beiji Beiji (Northern Culmen), with an Excursus on the Origin of the Character di di2004/04/018
Early Korean Printing1959/04/018
Yellow Turban Religion and Rebellion at the End of Han1956/10/018
The Jāiminīya or Talavakāra Upaniṣad Brāhmaṇa8
The Alleged Babylonian Discovery of the Precession of the Equinoxes1950/01/018