Title Publication Date Language Citations
Palestine under Assyrian Rule2021/12/168
Revisiting the Scene of the Party: A Study of the Lanting Collection2012/01/018
On the Indian Origins of the Tibetan Practice of Depositing Relics and Dhâraṇîs in Stûpas and Images1995/04/018
Some Reflections on Numerals in Sumerian towards a History of Mathematical Speculation1983/01/018
Abhinavagupta's Aesthetics as a Speculative Paradigm1994/04/018
The Jewish Origins of Qurʾān 18:65-82? Reexamining Arent Jan Wensinck's Theory1998/04/018
What Did Kumārila Bhaṭṭa Mean by Svataḥ Prāmāṇya?1992/04/018
The Chaghadaids and Islam: The Conversion of Tarmashirin Khan (1331-34)2002/10/018
Gaza in the Egyptian Texts of the New Kingdom1982/01/018
Elements of the Babylonian Contribution to Hellenistic Astrology1988/01/018
Lexical Changes in Zhanguo Texts2002/10/018
The Greek Influence on Early Islamic Mathematical Astronomy1973/01/018
Solar and Lunar Tables in Early Islamic Astronomy1967/10/018
The Primacy of Domestic Politics: Ibn Bint al-Aʿazz and the Establishment of Four Chief Judgeships in Mamlûk Egypt1995/01/018
The Atlas and Geographic Description of China: A Manuscript of Michael Boym (1612-1659)1953/04/018
The Date of the Death of Gyges and Its Historical Implications1978/10/018
The Curriculum of Islamic Higher Learning in Timurid Iran in the Light of the Sunni Revival under Shāh-Rukh1995/04/018
The Office of Khalīfat Al-Khulafā under the Ṣafawids1965/10/018
Cuneiform Inscriptions from Tarsus1939/03/018
The Purity of Sasanian Silver Coins: An Introduction1972/04/018
The Sniff-Kiss in Ancient India1907/01/018
Concepts of Right and Left in African Cultures1938/03/018
Approaches to the Study of Ancient Society1967/01/018
The Creation Myth of the Rig Veda1942/06/018
Epigraphic Remains of Indian Traders in Egypt1991/10/018
Individual Prayer in Sumerian: The Continuity of a Tradition1968/01/018
A Timurid Educational and Charitable Foundation: The Ikhlāṣiyya Complex of ʿAlī Shīr Navāʾī in 15th-Century Herat and Its Endowment1991/01/018
In the Halls of the Azure lad1985/01/018
On the Historical Validity of the Vocalization of the Hebrew Bible1974/07/018
Edifying Puzzlement: Ṛgveda 10. 129 and the Uses of Enigma1999/04/018