Journal of Teaching in Social Work

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A Call for Self-Compassion in Social Work Education2017/10/20English23
Pedagogy and Diversity: Enrichment and Support for Social Work Instructors Engaged in Social Justice Education2014/10/14English22
Childhood Adversity and Self-Care Education for Undergraduate Social Work and Human Services Students2017/08/08English22
Reducing Research Anxiety among MSW Students2014/01/01English22
Students' Participation in Social Networking Sites: Implications for Social Work Education2012/04/01English21
Safe Space Oddity: Revisiting Critical Pedagogy2010/01/01English21
Extending the Ally Model of Social Justice to Social Work Pedagogy2014/03/15English21
Overcoming Graduate Students' Negative Perceptions of Statistics2012/09/01English21
Introducing Case Management to Students in a Virtual World: An Exploratory Study2013/11/01English21
Suggestions for Utilizing the 2008 EPAS in CSWE-Accredited Baccalaureate and Masters Curriculums—Reflections from the Field, Part 1: The Explicit Curriculum2010/05/18English20
A National Content Analysis of PhD Program Objectives, Structures, and Curricula: Do Programs Address the Full Range of Social Work’s Needs?2015/03/15English20
The Power of Perspective: Teaching Social Policy with Documentary Film2009/01/01English20
Using Experiential Exercises to Teach about Diversity, Oppression, and Social Justice2012/01/01English20
Wounded Healers: Graduate Students with Histories of Trauma in a Family Violence Course2013/07/01English20
Rubrics as a Tool for Learning and Assessment: What Do Baccalaureate Students Think?2012/09/01English19
Assessment and Evaluation in Social Work Education: Formative and Summative Approaches2010/01/01English18
Research on Webbed Connectivity in a Web-Based Learning Environment: Online Social Work Education2013/11/01English18
Reflections on Experiential Teaching Methods: Linking the Classroom to Practice2011/11/01English17
Analyzing the Attitude of Undergraduate Students Toward Poverty and Impoverished Persons: Does Social Work Education Make a Difference?2011/01/01English17
Overcoming Barriers in Intimate Partner Violence Education and Training of Graduate Social Work Students2012/01/01English17
Photovoice as a Pedagogical Tool: Exploring Personal and Professional Values with Female Muslim Social Work Students in an Intercultural Classroom Setting2017/10/20English17
Assessing the Implicit Curriculum in Social Work Education: Heterogeneity of Students’ Experiences and Impact on Professional Empowerment2014/10/14English16
Where Have All the Teachers Gone? The Selling Out of Social Work Education2011/04/29English16
Blending Voices: Autoethnography as a Vehicle for Critical Reflection in Social Work2010/11/05English16
Title IV‐E Programs: Preparing MSW Students for Public Child Welfare Practice2009/07/29English16
Multicultural Curriculum and MSW Students' Attitudes about Race and Diversity2013/04/01English16
Conversation and Conflict: Supporting Authentic Dialogue in the Classroom2009/01/01English16
The Experiential Learning Cycle in Undergraduate Diversity and Social Justice Education2014/05/27English16
Using Critical Race Theory to Analyze How Disney Constructs Diversity: A Construct for the Baccalaureate Human Behavior in the Social Environment Curriculum2012/01/01English16
A Meta-Analysis of Approaches to Engage Social Work Students Online2018/02/20English15