IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Temperature Measurement by Optical Emission Spectroscopy of the Plasma Jet Produced by a High Velocity Plasma Spray (HVPS)2024/01/01
Multiple Coil Architecture for Inductive Pulsed Power Supplies2024/01/01
A Novel Miniaturized THz Refractive Index-Based Electric Permittivity Sensor2024/01/01
Sensitivity Analysis of the Lumped Thermal Model of the EU 170 GHz Gyrotron Magnetron Injection Gun2024/01/01
Preliminary Design and Analysis of Key Switching Components of Switching Network in Fusion Device2024/01/01
Numerical Improvements in Magnetohydrodynamic, Pulsed Power Simulations of Near-Target Plasmas2024/01/01
Solid-State Spiker-Sustainer Circuit Consisting of PFN and SOS2024/01/01
Heat Transfer to the Wire Based on Multiphysics Model for Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing2024/01/01
Influence of Dynamic Charge Compensation on Voltage Distribution of Double-Break Vacuum Circuit Breakers2024/02/01
Experimental Study of a Compact Surface Flashover Ion Source2024/02/01
The Spherical and Lemon Hyperlens Grids Concept Applied to the DTT Neutral Beam Injector2024/01/01
Design of a Peculiar $\text{TM}_{35}$ Transverse Mode THz Extended Interaction Oscillator for Multibeam kW-Class Operation2024/01/01
Performance of LaB$_6$-Emitters for Neutral Gas Pressure Gauges During Plasma Operation in the Large Helical Device2024/01/01
2023 Index IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science Vol. 512023/12/01
The Interlocking Experiment on Millimeter Wave Coaxial Magnetron for Array Application2024/01/01
Excitation Frequency-Controlled Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasma: Effects of N$_{2}$ Admixture on Ar Discharge Properties and Breast Cancer Cell Death2024/01/01
Field-Circuit Coupled Simulation With an Equivalent Circuit Model for High-Voltage Spark Gaps2024/01/01
Thermal Conductivity Measurement of Fuzzy W Using a Thermoreflectance Method2024/01/01
On a High-Mirror Stellarator Reactor Exploratory Concept With Neutrons Concentrated on Centrifuge Liquids2024/01/01
A Mega-Ampere Pulsed Current Generator Using Synchronization of Field Distortion Spark Gap Switches2023/07/01
Design and Development of High-Voltage High-Pulse Power Supply Using FPGA for Dynamic Impedance Matching2023/07/01
Inverse Approach to Spacecraft Charging Simulations2023/09/01
Ultrafast Gate Driver With GaN HEMTs for ns-Pulse Generator Using SiC MOSFET2023/10/01
Physicochemical Properties and Time Stability of Plasma Activated Water by a Liquid-Cathode Glow-Type Discharge in Air: The Effect of Air Confinement2024/01/01
An Enhanced Electromagnetic Rail Propulsion Design Based on Current Self-Guiding2023/08/01
High-Power Single-Cycle Terahertz Cherenkov Radiation Using a High-Charge Bunch to Drive Dielectric Prisms2023/07/01
Analysis on TIG Arc During Welding of Magnesium Alloy Sheet by a Combination of Spectral Diagnosing and Langmuir Probe Detection2023/08/01
Resonance Curves and Jump Frequencies in a Dual-Frequency Paul Trap on Account of Octopole Field Imperfection2023/07/01
A Saturable Pulse Transformer Based on Nanocrystalline Magnetic Cores for an Adjustable Nanosecond High-Voltage Generator2023/10/01
Operation Features of a Nonself-Sustained Glow Discharge in a Tube Initiated by a Focused Electron Beam in the Forevacuum Pressure Range2023/07/01