IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Ultrawideband Terahertz Absorption Induced by Pyramidal 3-D Metamaterial2024/01/01
Surface Virus Inactivation by Impinging Flow Nonthermal Plasma Reactor2024/01/01
Analysis of Immunity of Relay Protection Equipment Under High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse2024/01/01
Inverse Design of a Broad Bandwidth $W$-Band Meta-Surface Window for Gyro-TWT Based on Bidirectional Machine Learning2024/01/01
Overtaking Between Ion Acoustic Multisolitons in an Ion-Beam Plasma2024/01/01
SITAR: A Code for ICRH Antenna–Plasma Coupling2023/04/01
Analytical Solution for Space-Charge Waves in a Two-Stream Cylindrical Electron Beam2023/03/01
Static Cling: A Mechanical Side-Effect of Dielectric Charging2023/09/01
An Inversion Model to Obtain Spacecraft Surface Potential Based on Neural Network2023/04/01
Sub-Millimeter Hard X-Ray Source Based on Wire-Shorted Low-Impedance Rod Pinch Diode2023/04/01
Parameters of the Ion Flux Generated in a Vacuum Arc With a Dielectric Cathode in the First Minutes After Breakdown2023/04/01
Adding Radiation-Induced Conductivity Test Capability to the JPL Dynamitron2023/09/01
The Benefits of a Magnetic Mirror in a Traveling Wave Tube: Computational Experiments’ Results2023/07/01
An Analysis of Sheath Development of Cathode During the Instability Stage of Vacuum Arc2023/03/01
A Novel Self-Excited Atmospheric Pressure Microwave Plasma Jet Using Rectangular Coaxial Line2023/05/01
Design, Analysis, and Simulation of a Three-Stage Stagger-Tuned, Clustered-Buncher Cavity Gyroklystron Amplifier2023/03/01
Virus Elimination Using High-Voltage Pulses in Aqueous Solutions2023/03/01
Research on Loss and Temperature Rise of Pulse Inductor for Electromagnetic Rail Launch2023/03/01
A Coupled 0-D Plasma Thermal Model for Hollow Cathodes2023/03/01
A Novel Compact and Portable Linear Accelerator Electron Beam System2023/04/01
Design and Implementation of RF Resonant Inverter With Matching Circuit to Generate Plasma for Possible Endoscopy Sterilization2023/04/01
Modification of Child-Langmuir Law for Electrodes of Different Materials and Shapes Using Nitrogen Gas2023/04/01
Effect of q-Nonextensively Distributed Plasma Electrons on Double Sheath Characteristics and Virtual Cathode Formation Associated With Electron Emitting Surfaces2023/03/01
Hardness Determination of Thin Film Structural Materials Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy2023/03/01
A Wideband, 1-bit, Electronically Reconfigurable Phase Shifter for High-Power Microwave Phased-Array Applications2023/07/01
Study on the Absorption Properties of Terahertz Circularly Polarized Wave in FPL Model Fully Ionized Dusty Plasma2023/03/01
Fast In Situ Inactivation of Pathogens in Tubes by Plasma2023/03/01
Rapid Fabrication of Graphene Layers Over Polymeric Substrates Using Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet2023/03/01
Design Considerations for Compact High-Average Power Free-Electron Lasers/Masers at Terahertz Frequencies2023/03/01
Convex Rails With the NGL-60 Prototype Railgun2024/01/01