
Title Publication Date Language Citations
3-D GIS: Virtual London and beyond2006/10/2712
Simulating the dynamic hydrological potential of a catchment and evaluating its structural efficiency2008/02/1512
Spaces at Risk and Margins: Approaches to Urban Vulnerability in Lima and Quito2009/05/1412
Ecological network: Use of the land use maps in a first qualitative approach to biodiversity2011/03/0112
The vulnerability of water provision in the agglomeration of La Paz: the case of the El Alto sub-system2009/05/2012
Intense rainfalls in the Mediterranean Basin: which trends between 1950 and 2013?2016/01/0711
Centrality and Land Use: Three Case Studies on the Configurational Hypothesis2001/03/2611
The use of Remote Sensing Technology in geological Investigation and mineral Detection in El Azraq-Jordan2006/10/2311
Contributions of multi-agent systems for diffusion processes studies2004/02/0311
Is it necessary to abandon ZNIEFF data base?2010/05/0511
Central commune, urban agglomeration, daily urban system: What reliability for urban studies?2002/04/2611
New borders in Central Asia: the restructuring of states, nations and regions2011/05/2511
Who are the long-distance commuters? Patterns and driving forces in Sweden2003/08/0111
A statistical approach of spatial interaction models2000/03/0911
Dynamics of the Saloum estuary mangrove (Senegal) from 1972 to 20102013/01/0911
Decentralization in Senegal: how to reform while further maintaining the status quo?2016/12/0511
Disentangling the Range of Responses to Threats, Hazards and Disasters. Vulnerability, Resilience and Adaptation in question2019/09/0311
Individual life spaces: from geography to an empirical application in demography2012/04/2710
A phytoclimatic map of Europe2018/10/1210
Physicians’ migration from Romania to France: a brain drain into Europe?2015/10/0510
Reclaiming the rivers to develop the city2017/01/3010
The disclosure information on major risks for municipalities - Distribution and analysis of the DICRIM, a poor-used preventive tool2013/12/0410
Street Trade and Mobility Services : the Crossroads in Mexico City2007/04/0610
Spatial-temporal dynamics of property values at different geographical levels: the case of old housing stock in downtown Paris (1990-2003)2009/10/0510
Urban morphology and pedestrian mobility2003/10/0710
Measuring urbanization in United States, from the first trading posts to the Metropolitan Areas (1790-2000)2008/07/1010
Geographical knowledge organised around four poles1997/04/0810
City networks and the process of recomposition of the levels: the case of the Baltic cities2014/07/0410
The symbolism of place: a geography of relationships between space, power and identity2011/10/2810
A Web 3.0-driven Collaborative Multicriteria Spatial Decision Support System2012/09/1310