
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Is Brazil now in control of deforestation in the Amazon?2016/01/2710
Using the Urban Atlas dataset for estimating spatial metrics. Methodology and application in urban areas of Greece2017/05/1010
Extending the concept of city for delineating large urban regions (LUR) for the cities of the world2020/09/289
L’Agriculture de Conservation et sa diffusion en France et dans le monde2015/11/099
The touristification of the urban night: a new frontier for the urban night studies2018/10/119
Geomorphological (in)efficiency of sediments cascades: new insights from a network analysis2016/04/139
Is the French diagonal emptying? An exploratory spatial analysis of demographic decrease in France for the past 50 years2016/01/209
Qualifying urban spaces in Dakar, Senegal2014/03/279
Following the population of European urban areas in the last half century (1961-2011): the TRADEVE database2019/04/119
Rice field landscapes and their recent evolution in the Gianh River delta2018/12/049
Space-time contraction and the dynamics of urban systems1998/07/109
A multi-scalar System, its referential spaces and its worlds. The Atlas Vidal-Lablache2004/03/259
Regional integration. The Case of greater Paris2005/04/159
The map and the territory: putting the ecological network to the test2011/12/019
Long-term dynamics of European towns and cities: towards a spatial model of urban growth2000/03/299
Vulnerabilities and heritage in African cities: from preservation to marginalization2009/05/139
A foresight approach dedicated to a biosphere reserve2008/09/259
JournalBase - A Comparative International Study of Scientific Journal Databases in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (SSH)2010/01/089
Inland barge services and container transport: the case of the ports of Le Havre and Marseille in the European context2009/01/169
The constructions of the inhabitants’ world: Pragmatic and hermeneutic light2003/01/159
Analysis of spatial interactions in the run-off process2002/05/109
Fractal analysis of the urbanization at the outskirts of the city: Models, measurement and explanation2007/07/169
When our steps merge meaningfully with the urban space. On perception and expression when walking in town2004/03/019
Contribution of the spatial c-means fuzzy classification in geography: a socio-residential and environmental taxonomy in Lyon2021/03/319
Is there a link between fractal dimension and residential environment at a regional level?2008/02/258
A geography of family in Southern Europe2011/05/258
Segregation Analyzer: a C#.Net application for calculating residential segregation indices2008/02/268
Calibrating a model of urban land change. An example in Belfort2006/07/198
World typology of city-port relationships2008/03/278
Urban water or the power of renaturing2004/12/168