Computers and Composition

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Anxiety and the Archive: Understanding Plagiarism Detection Services as Digital Archives2009/06/01English15
Cui bono?: Revisiting the promises and perils of online learning2003/12/01English15
Press Enter to “Say”: Using Second Life to Teach Critical Media Literacy2008/01/01English15
Communities of Inquiry: A Heuristic for Designing and Assessing Interactive Learning Activities in Technology-Mediated FYC2017/09/01English15
Teaching a Critical Digital Literacy of Wearables: A Feminist Surveillance as Care Pedagogy2018/12/01English14
Improving Writing Literacies through Digital Gaming Literacies: Facebook Gaming in the Composition Classroom2014/06/01English14
Inventing myself in multimodality: Encouraging senior faculty to use digital media2007/01/01English14
When computer writers compose by hand1995/01/01English14
A Novel Approach to Examine the Impact of Web-based Peer Review on the Revisions of L2 Writers2017/03/01English14
The Rhetorical Template2015/03/01English14
Faceless students, virtual places: Emergence and communal accountability in online classrooms2005/01/01English14
Was Foucault a plagiarist? Hip-hop sampling and academic citation2006/01/01English14
Strange Bedfellows: Human-Computer Interaction, Interface Design, and Composition Pedagogy2009/09/01English14
State of the Field: Teaching with Digital Tools in the Writing and Communication Classroom2019/12/01English13
#MeToo: A Case Study in Re-Embodying Information2019/09/01English13
Boundary Negotiations: Electronic Environments as Interface2009/09/01English13
Extra-Dimensional In-Class Communications: Action Research Exploring Text Chat Support of Face-to-Face Writing2015/03/01English13
The fair use doctrine: History, application, and implications for (new media) writing teachers2007/01/01English13
Narratives in the database: Memorializing September 11th online2007/01/01English13
Interface as Exordium: The Rhetoric of Interactivity2009/09/01English13
Integrating Assessment and Instruction: Using Student-Generated Grading Criteria to Evaluate Multimodal Digital Projects2012/06/01English13
Adaptive Remediation and the Facilitation of Transfer in Multiliteracy Center Contexts2016/09/01English13
Composing for Sound: Sonic Rhetoric as Resonance2017/03/01English13
A Programmatic Ecology of Assessment: Using a Common Rubric to Evaluate Multimodal Processes and Artifacts2014/03/01English13
After Digital Storytelling: Video Composing in the New Media Age2012/03/01English12
User-Centered Design In and Beyond the Classroom: Toward an Accountable Practice2018/09/01English12
Complexity, class dynamics, and distance learning2006/01/01English12
Datagogies, Writing Spaces, and the Age of Peer Production2008/01/01English12
The price of free software: Labor, ethics, and context in distance education2006/01/01English12
Sound matters: Notes toward the analysis and design of sound in multimodal webtexts2006/01/01English12